The Crawley Legacy 2.3

Mar 12, 2014 19:03

Oh yes, indeed, the Crawleys have made their way to the fall festival.
Apple bobbing contest anyone?

Myrtie: Sorry, no apple bobbing for me, I'm too busy being completely emotionless as
I ride this horrifyingly violent mechanical bull. weeeeeeee

C'mooooon Reginald!

Reg: Actually, no. I'm done.

Ok, fine.
Goooooo Gabby!

So, I couldn't get a good picture of it, but Gabby lost. Badly.
Someone needs to smack that smirk off blue-shirted ladies face. >:[

Myrtie: wweeeee...did I remember to lock the front door?

Zevran seems to get 100x more enjoyment from the experience.
Incoming Zevran/mechanical bull SPAM!!!!

Gabby: Honey, can we go do something else now?

Holy cow, that looks dangerous.

Um. Be careful?

Do they have wheelchairs in the Sims? 'Cause we might need one.

Zev: I have no idea why I feel so dizzy!

I'm not sure...did you eat breakfast? Yes? OH, maybe it's the mechanical bull
tossing you around like a rag doll!!!!!

Oh dear.

Zev: /drools

Gabby, your husband could be paralyzed, this is NO TIME FOR LAUGHING!

Okay, he's fine.

Zev: /pouts

Of course Reginald had to have a go. I won't subject you to more spam though. :)

These two.... 8D

Reg: Hey guys! Check me out! I rock at this! Hey! HEY!!!!!
Zev & Gabby: /slurp

Reg: I shoulda been a rodeo star! Hey Zev! ZEV!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!
Zev & Gabby: /starelonginglyintoeachotherssouls

Reg: oh my back.
Zev & Gabby: /mmwwwaaahhh

Poor Reg.

Myrtie, a professional golfer...who knew?

Gabby slid into the face painting booth to have this pumpkin marked onto her cheek.

As the family arrived home, Gabby decided to block the front door and practice her bitch face for a while.

Gabby: OMG I'm still maried! This is SPECTACULAR!
Reg: Are you ever going to get out of the way?
Zev: Gab, I have to pee. Please move.

Gabby: Sweetie look, I'm pregnant!
Zev: Hmm, should I have a ham or bologna sandwich?

I love these!

Bonehilda proved she is more than just a maid and a dog trainer, she is also a handy...handy...

Bonehilda: See here Jam, thou lay on thy side and pretend ye art dead. Once thou hast done this, I give thou a treat.

Jam: Okay Skeletor, I'm ready for my treat. Just pop it right into my mouth.

Keety: Bathtub, will you be my friend?

Keety: Bathub, no one pays attention to me. Love me. Please.

Keety: Toilet, will you be my friend?

Keety: Are you hiding friendship in there?

Keety: I am so alone.

Poor Keety, she hardly gets any love. :(

Gabby's LTW is Culinary Librarian.
So, while she waits for the baby to cook, she starts learning recipes.
Here are Gabby's traits that I completely forgot to share:
Natural Cook
Green Thumb

She really has a great set of traits. :D

Zevran spent some of his spare time working on his plumbot building skill.
This series of images documents the time he was savagely attacked by nanobug things.

Zev: Worth it.


Kaidan: I sure do make a great loch ness monster.

Kaidan, you're a cow plant.

Kaidan: What's a cow plant?

Reg has a pretty uninspiring costume.

Myrtie is...some kinda snow queen person?

Elsa does it better.

Leliana showed up dressed as a hot dog.

While Tali went for the ninja look.

Zev: gasp Did Leliana wear the same costume as me?!

Gabby: It'll be fine sweetie, just dance with me.
Zev: Yes dear. /dance

Gabby: By the way, I know you weren't listening before because you really had to pee AND you really
wanted a sandwich, so I'm telling you this now. We're having a baby!

Zev: :D I would hug you if I could lift my arms any higher than this.

I really want Leliana and Gabby to be friends.
I mean, wouldn't that just be amazing? Don't care? okay.

Apparently, Leliana was so scandalized by the fact that she wore the same costume as Zevran,
she changed into her normal clothes.


Pigtails: Don't worry. I got this.

Zev: Who are you? And why is my couch on fire?! And why am I suddenly only wearing my underwear?!!

Gabby: ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod this isn't good!!!!
Myrtie: MEH. It happens.

Jam: I remember you fire. I remember your warm embrace.


Zev: So, thanks for, stranger.
Pigtails: I am the ultimate bad ass.
Gabby & Myrtie: Yawn. Bored now.

Well, I wanna know what you would call a great time!

Bonehilda had been mysteriously absent for quite a long time, we're talking a couple days here.
I finally realized her absence and found her raking leaves.


How nice of you to destroy all of her hard work, Zevran.

Gnome dogs.


Gabby. GABBY. GABBY!!!!!!!

I really should have someone put out that fireplace.

Jam: SHIT.

It's Reginald to the rescue this time.

Ok good, I did have Reg put out the fireplace. NEVER AGAIN.

The fire caused Gabby so much stress, she went into labour.

Jam: The fuck is happening now?! I don't need this.

Myrtie: Zevran? Why are you all burnt?
Zev: I was inventing and something exploded on me.
Myrtie: Oh okay, well I think your wife is having the baby now.
Zev: I guess I should go take a shower, huh? I'm feeling pretty hungry too, what's for dinner?
Zev: Just a second, I'm talking to my mom.

Despite the lack of support from Zevran, Gabby had a successful birth and it's a boy! :D

Branton Crawley
Easily Impressed

Branton's nursery.

Myrtie: Heeeeey. I was going to hold the baby!

Myrtie: C'mon, lemme hold him. :(
Reg: WELL I NEVER. I will be holding my grandson, thank you very much!



Thanks for reading!!!!

legacy, generation two, crawley, sims 3

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