Fuck all these primadonna assholes

Jul 23, 2006 23:49

Here we go. I'm tired of not voicing my opinions to the public, but here I go. just dont give a shit anymore.
These little primadonna sluts that think they are soooo fucking hot need to get a reality check. Now I know I'm not great looking, but have been complimented many times, so when I get an IM from someone I met a few times, and decides to trash me it was the last straw. This fucking whore who decided to trash me better look in the mirror. If she had one fucking drop of personality maybe she wouldnt be looking on the fuckin internet. God damn. I mean there's some reason you have to move home, your husband cheats on you, and you are more worried about going out then your kid. I dont have as much free time as I used to to work out and do things. I have a 2 and a half year old girl who is my life, and besides that managing a very successful store. And if that isnt enough, also having my own place I'm upkeeping, and helping with wrestling stuff. I'm so tired about this society only looking at looks. Everyone tells me that I have a great personality, but fuck it. I'm not being the laid back, mr nice guy anymore. Its true nice guys finish last, cause all I get is fucked over. not anymore. This is the Kasper I let out a few years ago and really felt great. Then fell into a depression and became the same sheltered person I was before. Time for my own reality check. I'm not here to listen to people bitch about all their problems, or only wanna talk to me when they are being fucked over. I'm me. take it or leave it.

I've got more important things to do then listen to you try to trash me. Have the balls to say it to my face, not behind my back. and this goes out to everyone. Not just women. The shit I hear in wrestling is so fucking hilarious. People have nothing better to do then not drop things that happened years ago. Or leave a place then trash it. Only in NY do you hear about guys brag about their backyard background. Do they talk about how they never trained, or trash someone who was trained by the same person, or by someone that was trained by that person. Worse yet, bitch and whine about how this person did this in a match or that, and keep it going almost a year later. Everyone makes mistakes out there.
If we were all that good then Vinny Mac would have us all to contracts. We all need work, and we should be striving to be the best we can for the fans. Isn't that what is should be about? The people that pay for us to be able to have wrestling at least twice a month here in rochester? The ones who might not make a lot of money, but still fork over their hard earned money to buy a ticket, drinks, maybe a shirt or dvd, and support you? Too many people think they are soo good. GROW THE FUCK UP. This isnt high school. I've been in this business for 8 years now. Maybe I'm not in the ring, but I am there doing the best job I can for the fans. If I fuck up the music, then the fans are confused. If I dont stay late or come around for setup, then other people have to wait around. I know people trash me because I cant get things done quickly when I was doing the DVD's for RCW when they were running, but considering the time and effort I put it between my life outside of wrestling, you need to understand. If you want a copy, contact me with a way to get together. If it fits into my schedule, then thats fine. Its something I do because I enjoy it, but if my daughter needs me, thats 1st. Next is my career, which isnt wrestling. No one for RCW paid for a dvd, and thats cause I appriecate your work for the fans. just understand that it does take time. Especially when I went to a 2 camera dvd.

I'm voicing my opinion on everything cause this is me. Not talking shit behind your back but coming right out. Saying if you dont like me I dont care, just understand, if I have something thats pissing me off, I'm coming to you. You all know how to contact me. So if you want to knwo what I think of you, then ask. I'll tell you....
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