Favor & Blessing

Mar 22, 2006 01:05

It was a great day. Today while on the way to work, God did something very touching. I have to take a train to work. When I was at the train station it was about 7.15am. There was many people waiting for the train and normally the train would be crowded with people when it reaches the station. Therefore I told give me a seat cause I don’t want to stand. Not that I lazy but if you can sit why stand haha….. A while later the train came and it was empty, Hallelujah!!! God is so good. He didn’t just give me a seat but a seat which I can choose from. I don’t think this kind of things happens so coincident but only a God of miracle can do it, Amen.

There was a man on the way to the petrol station. Thinking pumping petrol and he saw an advertisement.

“Today V-Power is $1.80 per liter; Tomorrow V-Power is $1.60 per liter.”
Therefore he whisper himself “It is cheaper by $0.20, I think I should come tomorrow.”
The next day he came again to the same petrol station the price of the petrol is still $1.80 and the advertisement is still same

“Today V-Power is $1.80 per liter; Tomorrow V-Power is $1.60 per liter.”

So the morale of the story is:-

Do not trust advertisement like that or be a cheapo hahaha…… (Just Joking)

The truth morale of the story is:-

There is no tomorrow cause there is only today. Today have not pass therefore tomorrow will never come. Live a life for today not tomorrow. It means that don’t worry of tomorrow but do your best for today, you can plan for tomorrow but not worry for tomorrow.

Matthew 6:34 (BBE):- So do not worries about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.

1 Chronicles 17:27 (GNB):- I ask you to bless my descendants so that they will continue to enjoy your favor. You, LORD, have blessed them, and your blessing will rest on them forever.

Why worries when we have favor and blessing, amen.

Sleepy Already

Blessed Night
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