Nov 13, 2004 02:15
im dedicating this entire journal entry to my best friend (and ONLY bf) Mary Struziak because i think she needs a reminder on how my i love her..
here are words that describes our friendship
(ABC's if u couldnt tell)
A-always there always proud of me
B-because thats what BEST friends are for
C-caring for me wen i fail or need a shoulder
D-daring me to reach my goals and helping me succeed
E-Everything that means something to u means something to me
F-Friends forever.. never enemies
G-going in any direction, as long as its with ur bff
H-hugging and showing u REALLY are always gonna be there
I-isolating the fact u are true bff's
J-joking and laughing
K-kindly allowing each other to have other friends.. but to still be there
L-Losing nothing but hatred
M- Memories
N-never talking behind my bak or agreeing with the shit ppl say
P-peeing in the woods, pants, and laughing so hard its impossible to replace
Q-quoting each other and making each other laugh till we fall on the ground
R-restricting the bad stuff and letting the good stuff take its course
S-sticking together thru the good and bad
T-takin the time to let ur bff lean on u-even if it means ur involved
U-unnessary fights get taken care of
V-very nice and ALWAYS watching and being proud of their bff
W-wondering how u guys culd really ever b friends.. then realizing u were put on this earth to be friends!
X-xoxo wen ever they really count
Y-yo babe u make me smile..
Z-zippide doo da -- never making fun-even if they say/do something stupid
--the REAL meaning of true bff's.. we have that.. i hope* tell me we have all of that mary-be4 i go on loving u so much as a best friend.. even if u dont love me the same way..