(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 14:45

Im just taking a little homework break right now! Good thing Im doin some cuz i have so much due next week and im not looking foward to it! I had a lot of fun the other night, I dont think Ive had that much fun in a long time. It was good to chill with Megs, Summer, J, John and Ryan. Evne though all the boys are older I think that we all get along really good. We sat in the hot tub, always a good time! Played some pool haha which Ive never been very good at. I sat up and watch a movie and tv till like 4:30. And i have def decided I am getting a tattoo! I want one so bad, hopefully someone.....will come with me haha. Meg made a ton of eggs haha which was quite funny, drunk megan cooking, thats great. J got a lil upset cuz he really wanted to go to sleep...oops! didnt mean to interrupt his sleep time. Meg crawled through that vanity to check on John hahahahahahah, I cant imagine seeing someones head pop through there that is just hysterical! hahaahhahaha. Then she made a Mcgeyver move and unlocked the door with a coat hanger. Anyways it was a really good night and I had lots of fun. Jeff was supposed to call me the other day but oh wait surprise surprise he didnt! He told me he doesnt have any numbers in his phone so he couldnt call blah blah, excuse after excuse, I give up. talked to garrett on line last night and he was all like we have to hang out more next semester and i was like why we hang out now and he was like well its just fine if u think we hang out enough now, obviously because he has some sort of interest in me, otherwise why would he say we should hang out more. Honestly i have no desire at all to hang out with him more. I have no interest in him at all, period. He gets on my nerves because he acts like hes 8 years old, calls me names such as meanie or umm grump, yea, and he cant leave things alone, i dont know. I need someone whos a hell of a lot more mature, not necessarily a boyfriend, but i want someone who i can hang out with, not all the time but you know sometimes on the weekends, and someone i can talk on the phone wiht and someone who i can easily have a conversation with and we dont have to find things to say. Whatever i always ned up attracting the weirdos or end up with the assholes, i guess things just wont change. Well its been good to be home for more then a week, although the past 3 times Ive come home Ive gone to some sort of funeral service, I cant take all these people dying. Ooo and my roomie is coming today!! woohoo i havent seen her in forever it seems like. Hopefully I can find something entertaining for us to do, well I suppose ill get back to my hw, lata.
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