Picspam: Community Britta and Jeff

Sep 03, 2010 21:42

First: Join scifiland today! It's a lot of fun and you wont regret it :D

This is my last picspam for the Big Bang Alt challenge at community_land! It feels good to get it done, even if I'm going to miss making Community picspams :) And it's only fitting that my last one features both Britta and Jeff as they are my team's namesake (Team Mid-Life Crises FTW!).

So I'm not a huge supporter of Britta and Jeff as a romantic couple. I love them both and I think they are great as friends and I like the show better when the writers aren't pushing them together, but letting them grow together as friends. I think they are to alike for them to work romantically. But maybe I'll get proven wrong next season. Who knows?

But this scene is one of my favorite scenes in the entire first season. I laughed out loud and annoyed my sister by going back and watching it again three times before we could continue. And it shows a great part of Britta and Jeff's friendship at it's best. This is an episode were there is no talk about anything romantically, but is one were the two of them have a great storyline together (Even if I want to kill those kids!)

All caps by me. If you want to re-post anywere please include a link back (and I like knowing about it too ^^).

contest: community_land, tv: community, !picspams

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