Chapter 1:
"Hoyyyy. Kiri---! Can I borrow your drums for a bit?"
A lump was roused into action in my throat. Consider the motion of a battle ram. Thats what it felt like going UP then DOWN.
"S-sure. As long as you don't break the poor things"
There was a faint wink in here, I'm sure. I just like to flirt. I'm not necessarily a womanizer, but I know I could get anyone I want just by listening to them and their entirety for a while. But in this case, my goal was just to tease.
To tease him...
The abbrasive hits and bashes, dents and lashes at my little kit of love rumbled around the room rather lividly. He looked pretty content with himself, despite the lack of back bone to his playing. But you had to hand it to him. He's the rockstar. He can pull of something amazing without trying. And I respect him for that. Pity we're both lazy, ha.
Blonde tips and flacid locks turned to me, the couverture to a geeky smirk and eyes raught with sinful intentions. For my drums. Of course.
"You don't mind if I... take your place as the drummer and you go home and learn some bass for a while...?"
I had to give in to such a grin. I'm sorry! I just. HAD to. He's far too good at convincing me. I mean...
There was this time. About the time when heidi. was just formed. We'd probably done our first ... 3 lives by this point I think? Anyway, the time and place aren't all that important. What happened was that Kou and I were wandering around the streets around Tochigi prefecture. Just minding our business (Gosh I'm good at using cliches). As we passed the typical Seven Eleven, I felt a strange need to run inside. Don't ask me why. I wasn't sure at the time, and I'm still not sure now so don't expect a nice laced response. Err... sorry. Continuing...
So I ran inside.
And Kou followed, intruiged but also confused.
"Kiri... wh-what's the idea? Need to buy another lot of dieting drinks?"
Laughter. The truth is, I like the taste. But thats not the point.
"Honestly.... hey this looks pretty cool"
After a pause, and a nondescript wander over to the chocolate isle...
He shook his head in disbelief. He's used to it now, but he didn't realize I could come up with so many odd decisions and conclusions on the spot.
"... to finish a box of PINO chocolates before me!"
And so. Upon taking up the challenge, with a tiny little box of PINO admiring us through its plastic coverings, we sat crosslegged in his room. At his house.
We were about to begin this bizarre experiment, both armed with chopsticks in hand. And the tension grew and grew. Heightened and heightened.
We both shouted at the same time...
And with that, I began to move my arm with the speed of a deserted sloth, grasping for water but still oh so lazy to bother moving TOO fast. My chopsticks took a grand total of 5 seconds just to make it to the first piece. By this point... Kou, formerly known to me then as BassBassKou-suke, had ingested and digested (I'm assuming) about two. He was on his way to his third, which was the one I was going for. Time slowed, much like in those car crash scenes in the movies as my little utensils and his made a struggle to reach this puny little PINO in time.
Unfortunately, I made that fatal move.
I looked up.
And he smirked....
So I forgot what I was doing for a good 5 seconds more.
As you can imagine, I lost. I still lose. But thats not why. I swear I swear I swear.
Right. Now... returning to the present.
He gave me one of the aforementioned looks. And so... the reaction was much the same. A fit of bedazzled confusion. I probably looked like a fish out of water.
Firstly, I was insulted because my drumming skills are full of win. Secondly, he knows FULL WELL that I am rather autistic when it comes to stringed instruments. I can hold em. And I can make the noise. Sort of. But other than that, cats screaming sounds better.
So as usual, he got away with it.
And he still grinned that silly grin at me. He thinks its because I like to be the cute thing that everyone adores. Its not. Well... it is partly... Children are the best dictators so ... I figure... if you can be as childish as possible, and cute ties into that I'm sure, you'll probably get away with a cake full of things. Like breaking one of Nao's guitar strings. Or dropping Yoshihiko's mic while impersonating him during a practice session. And other things like that...
+ + +
Yeah thats about all I can come up with 8D;;;
I feel lazy now hahaa. This isn't turning out how I planned but anyway...
and WOAH. Spektors FAR album is just... ;dkfja;slkdjfdsa. I had the song 'Machine' in my head all day 8D and now I'm listening to DIM >0<;; Its... just..... woah...
I keep hearing things that remind me of Marilyn Manson hlol
I'm not sure what else to put here hahaha. I sort of... abandoned this after a while. SO I think I'll just leave it at that :] *skips off now*
& are cute hahah I'd never watched them before this. And well... gnaw they're cute`* !!