Sep 08, 2008 01:10
well, I wasn't really, but ok. So o.o Let's see o.o I feel like bullet-points again!
1. I'm better^^ no more wheezy!emma XD yay for meds! /cheer
2. I MISS CASPER! ;_; We can't call, cause phoneconnection between us sucks when he's out there. And now his intarnet is totally flippy too! when we talk on msn only half our messages get across ;_; Only thing we have left is textmessages ;_; Which gets quite expensive if you wanna have a proper conversation... I need a pidgeon.
3. I think i'm slowly starting to write again o.o I wrote a bit on a small drabbleish oneshotish fic o.o It's probably going to be pointless and possibly slightly angsty but with a good outcome. I'm happy about that. I really missed writing. Oh btw...REMUS X SIRIUS! (no worries though, I still only write diru fics!)
4. School will start again for me on 17th of september^^ Which shall be fun! can't wait! *_* cisco is fun^^
5. Going out with lotte was fun yesterday^^ Even though she had a friend with her who was so drunk she couldn't properly stand up straight anymore. But in the end she sobered up a bit so that was better XD I miss lotte too. Next time she'll stay over at my place and we'll go out properly^^
6. RO2 = luh (if you don't know what that is...googleisyourfriend.)
7. horcrux
8. I have nothing proper to write down here XD
9. oh! I know! I dyed my hair again^^ it's now darkishreddishpurplishdarkthingy (that's what the package said, I swear XD)
10. Yay...I've gotten as far as point 10! whoah!....I shall post some camwhorish thingies in a few days...if I feel like it XD
11. I have new webcam^^ Eyetoy^^ pretty good quality!
12. bai nao. (this song is fun)