Oct 12, 2006 04:29
Not out of Azkroban yet, but we did get rid of Fudge and actually have a decent boss now. So things aren't as bad as they were before. Hopefully I'll only have to work there two evenings a week after the first of the year, and by summer I'll be gone for school. It probably means I'll be teaching summer school, but that's the breaks.
People told me subbing would be a nightmare, but I'm enjoying it, actually. I did have to write some kids up last Thursday: one for making disparaging remarks about another kid's religion, one for throwing crayons (these are HIGH SCHOOL KIDS, believe it or not), and one for being persistently disruptive. Today, I subbed for the same class again, and guess what? They were good as gold! Wonder why : p
Something kinda neat happened: subfinder called me at work to let me know that I teacher I had 25 years ago requested that I sub for her this coming Friday. It pleased me to know that she *specifically* wanted me. I just hope none of her students are named Jason, since it will be Friday the 13th = p.
Anyhow, after about a year and a half of pure hell, things slowly but surely seem to be falling back into place. Knock on wood *raps head.*