Jan 17, 2008 21:03
"True scholarship is of the highest usefulness because it implies the possession and application of the highest type of thought, imagination, and sympathy, his works must so reflect his scholarship as to prove that it has drawn him toward his people, not away from them; that his scholarship has been used as a means toward attaining their end, hence his. That his scholarship has been applied for the good and the enlightenment of all the people, not for the pampering of a class. His works must prove, in short (and the burden of proof is on him), that he is a citizen, not a lackey, a true exponent of democracy, not a tool of the most insidious form of anarchy.... In a democracy there can be but one fundamental test of citizenship, namely: Are you using such gifts as you possess for or against the people?"
-Louis Sullivan, on the historical foundation of the artistic community of America; also: why I care, and why I write
be something,
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