
Sep 23, 2007 03:19

I was walking uptown with Emily, Lauren, and Ben, past 27, and I saw KQ and Lara crossing the street. I exclaimed, "Holy shit!" and for about 30 seconds after that we exchanged "Hey"'s. Immediately after we were finished says "Hey" to each other, a guy form the apartment above the factory vomited out their High Street window, right where KQ et Lara might have been standing. Later, they emphasized their thanks that I distracted them enough to keep them from having to shampoo their hair again tonight.

Tonight was for the first time that I came face-to-face with with all five... six (?)... of the objects-of-my-affections.
It was weird.
Kind of hectic.
I, uh, I don't even know what I'm doing. I don't even know what I want right now.
With Ellie: I got a decent vibe, which is at least 50% positive, so I'm feeling at least about 50% good about that. Mike spilled to Kathleen about the whole thing, so I guess whatever. Fingers come crossed nowadays.

I just... I just don't even know right now.

Joey was hanging out of the window over top The Den at 3:00AM for Jane's after-party. It was sausage-fest material, and I bailed quickly. I feel like everyone struck out tonight, but some more stylish and collected than others (I'm talking about questionably called backwards K's v. swinging at a ball that was low and outside, breaking your bat over your knee and winging it into your own dugout, spiking in the face your bench-coach, and then storming into the locker room to drink yourself into a sloppy stupor). How about those fucking Yankees! Goddamn.

When I was walking home I ran into Dylan and Steve and Michelle Kirby. Right next to the Circle K (?--I think that's what it is...). After talking for a few moments I said goodnight and continued to The N. College Dropout. Past the alley-way that belongs to the more ancient Bruno and Steve et Mike et Joey et. al., a girl jogged in front of me like a deer startled across the street by the sound of oncoming foot-traffic. I stopped in my tracks and watched her cross College like she was a wild animal I'd just come face-to-face with on the JPB walk headed back from Western. It was serene.

kitchen experience, wildlife, 27 rue de fleurus

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