This is a fun little webisodic to watch. On one hand, you've got Max Blumenthal baiting these kids, but on the other hand, you've got these kids saying really, really stupid things. (Also, let's not forget about Blumenthal's whispering, apocalyptic narration.)
And you've got Tom DeLay saying really, really stupid things, too. (When does he go to jail?)
There's a better way to catch the College Republican Noise Machine with its pants down. But this is ok.
EDIT - 20 July, 2:39PM
The other day I subscribed to John McCain's mailing list so I could be there to witness first-hand his campaign's violent and furious demise. Today I received my first salutations from that body, and the subject line was "Sustain McCain!" ...Which I thought was hilarious.
Leaving for Columbus in an hour to go to the P_ show.
Last night I started getting anxiety "attacks" again. "Attacks" = stomach aches, not Tony-Soprano-esque-fainting.
I mean, it's difficult not to be at least a little bummed out right now:
- Edwards' numbers hurt.
- Judy Miller and outing covert CIA agents is a joke that everyone should love.
- Rupert Murdoch owns America, or something.
- Bill O'Reilly wins.
- Bush becomes King.
- Bush hands newly proclaimed powers over to Cheney.
Fucking hell.