For the List

Nov 14, 2006 21:33

How's this for awesome: we had a meeting for The Revolution last night, and I was pumped because I thought the first issue came together well and I was looking forward to making some improvements and getting the whole process moving again with some new writers and a better understanding of our format.

No. None of that happened. Why? Because the editors above me decided that one month wasn't enough time for us to put out another issue. Four weeks--a whole fucking month--isn't enough time for us to put together 28 pages. So instead of running another issue, we're going to put on like three concerts to promote the issue we put out in October. We're a magazine that doesn't publish but that throws concerts, instead.


Not only that, but whenever something like this happens (like three times already this semester), I'm the one who tries to inspire my compadres to quit tucking it under and just fucking get working on it. And so last night, as I try to assume that very same role, I'm met with a, "Well, if you want to spend a week in front of a computer putting pages together, be my guest." Which is exactly what executive editors on a magazine should be telling their sectional editors when they want to live up to a deadline for a publication.

So maybe we'll put out another some time in 2007. ...If we do, I've decided I'm going to write about Rep. Bernie Sanders, from Vermont, who was elected to the Senate as our first Socialist senator, ever. He was also elected with like ~60% of the vote or something. Howard Dean was right: the country would be better off if it were a little more like Vermont.

Also, I was victimized in my Shakes class today because I was taking furious notes instead of participating in conversation about Mel Gibson's version of Hamlet. I navigated through the storm, though. I wish that asshole wasn't tenured. ...How the hell did he get tenured?

And for the win: I can't read or sit at the computer for more than 30 minutes at a time anymore because my eyes are actively trying to fall out of my head. I need glasses, badly. I hope hope hope that Mom put together an appointment so I can get some over Thanksgiving break. Oh man.

But!--Today, I got a freebie 50 points in my theatre class, my Romantics prof read my latest essay to the rest of the class, and it's Tuesday so my week is effectively over. So I guess things aren't so bad.

socialism, bernie sanders, hamlet

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