Sing me anything..

Mar 14, 2006 15:51

Back in Asheville....sigh

Spring break was nice, I got to hang out with Courtney and lil bit, and my dad gave me tickets to the ACC tourney so I got to see some good bball games! Of course the highlight was watching Carolina, but all the games where fun! I got to see my Sars...geez I miss her!!! We jammed out hardcore to some dashboard...well as hardcore as you can jam out to Dashboard..but you get what I'm saying..I hope

Let's do I feel about certain things...I think I may actually be happy for a certain person. It wasn't me, and I'm okay with that...yay! for being a bigger person than most.

I am SOOOO ready to move outta this dorm room and into my apartment with my Wifey! SIgh....just one more month..woot!

It seems like the entire world is breaking up, and I don't understand why. Why can't some ppl just be happy with what they have found..not one person lately has had a real good reason for ditching the people they care about, I dont know, maybe I am just jealous...ah well

I have SOOO much work to do..I have a test tom, and one on wed, I have to work on a midterm, I have to drive BACK home on wed evening for a photo shoot, I have to go to work tom, and I think I am on system overload right now. I just got back from spring break, I really shouldnt be this stressed out...ah well, Guess I will learn to deal, rawr!

Sometimes you say things and they really confuse me, just so you know...

So, I miss you, I miss hanging out and being stupid..where are you? what are you doing? and why havent you called me? Prolly the same reason I havent called you, or maybe it isnt the same reason, but maybe it is? I techniqually called you, once, but I didn't leave a message, so I guess that doesnt exactly count, ah well, I miss you anyways...

I found the most perfect bathing suit, who's excited for me?? noone...? yall suck!

Why am I not studying for atleast one of my 3 tests?

All my friends are either sad, pretending to be happy, or actually happy...sigh!

I got things to do...and I dont wanna...someone give me some motivation please!!

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