Now this is really long over due, isn't it. I haven't been on for quite sometime now, I have my explanation, I can explain, but I'm not going to bother because its clear explain with one word 'BUSY'. Anyways, for those who didn't see the snow fall in Stockton, I have a picture and video to It was take around December of 2009; however, I don't remember the date of it. Surely enough it was taken from my sister's room towards one side of our Well here's the picture:
Here the video:
I'm not a good photographer, so the picture isn't really that good. I I've been writing a lot in my (real, not online) journal, those who truly knows me should know what I mainly and it's really been a bother to me. There are images that still in fresh in my mind, yet it's been weeks passes already. That was my main reason for writing them in a journal to begin with, maybe in will it go away, but it my disappoint it didn't and many things still happen... urg! It's really irritating as heck!! >_<* Well that will be all for now. Sayonara have fun!