Ohhhh, Haruma is so cute, his smile is charming, even if his eyes become so little that you can barely see them!
I've always been his fan, even if he's 5 years younger than me...there was a time when I really couldn't imagine liking someone that younger than me...1 or 2 years seemed younger enough but 5 or 6 years are really insane!
What can I do if they're growing up so well lately in Japan? They all look younger...all the same age even if they are 25 or 20...they stop growing old when they are 20 and you can see them getting old only after 30...or 35....look at Hyde!!! He's 40 and he looks so young and SEXY!!
I'm still finishing Samurai High School and I love his role, so funny and different from his other, almost all of them, dramatic roles! He smiles a lot, smiley Haruma, I love it!!
Look, what a cute smile / Tomo-kun's hair is really something...japanese perm hair...no good!
And because they can't be left behind, here are the last photos from their blogs!! Enjoy!!
Food post, who doesn't love them?? / I don't even know how to call it....