Resisted the urge.

Apr 10, 2007 16:07

I have to say that I'm proud of myself today.  When I get into a certain mood / state of mind; I tend to go on a impulse shopping spree.  Needless to say, that this afternoon I was in one of those moods.  I went to a local bike shop,  and found a new bike that is just perfect for me.   My impulse was telling me to buy it right then and there.  Thankfully, my logic kicked in.  I told the sales rep that I would need to think it over to make sure it's not an impulse buy.  Probably not the best thing to say to a sales rep.  What can I say, I'm blunt at times; unfortunately, it was one of those times.  I thought it over, and I've decided that while I'm in Va Beach this upcoming weekend, I'll check out a few bike shops there to see if I can get the same bike for cheaper.  If so, go me.  If not, I'm going to look around some more; then I'll head back to that shop to get the bike.  Hell, either way I would like to own a new bike so I can go on some trails this season.   That and also for the bike trail that I've been itching to do for over a year now - bike from Great Falls, Maryland to Georgetown.

Heard back from the CityZen / Mandarin Oriental - the position has already been filled.  My search continues.
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