[friends cut]

Sep 28, 2007 16:50

I did a friends cut today. There are a couple of reasons why, but the main one is that I couldn't handle having that large of a friends list anymore. I also found myself skipping many entries, and I didn't think it was fair to those of you I was doing it to.

A lot of the journals cut were inactive - some of you are people I still have added on instant messenger, and you're more than welcome to poke at me. Some of you were people I've met through conventions, and such, but never really clicked beyond that, or we just don't speak unless at those events; I'm sorry. I'm sure I'll still see some of you around.

You're welcome to email me (snugglyshu(at)gmail.com) if you would like to. Otherwise, I wish you all well with everything. ♥

I'll leave this post public for a couple of weeks so those of you with active journals can see it.
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