Jun 27, 2009 13:57
I don't mean the circumstances, but the breadth of people that had their lived permeated by Jackson. . .In a way it's not like hes gone at all because every party someone tries to moonwalk, and we all probably know someone who still dresses like him, HELLO TRUPER TRU!
I was shopping a a local thrift on the day it happened, and 2 people in their eighties were talking about it, and came up to me and asked if I heard about it. . .I've never had anyone come up to me in a store and talk about someone's passing. . My First thought was, "Wow, do I look that Old, am I a part of *that* club now?"
But I basically ignored them. I had heard about it. And I had mixed feelings. I know that he was found innocent of any wrong doing, but every time I head a song on the radio in the last few years or so, I couldn't even listen to it. I try hard to separate the art from the artist, and recognize just the brilliant work. . .but it's like I've never been able to watch a Hugh Grant Movie again without thinking about him getting busted in an Alley with a hooker getting a BJ, or R.Kelly without thinking about the things that we know he's done because they are on tape.
All that aside, as a Bartender who worked in all the top clubs for too many years, and saw all people who imitated Michael with their Red studded leather coats, one glove, and even make up, as someone who watched all the dance floor come back from the deadest of dead and jump with happy fun energy every time a Michael Jackson song came on, regardless of the age group or how old the song, the affect hes had on me can't be denied. Even the house DJs in Chicago would throw on one of his songs every now and then in their classics mix, Even the ROck DJs played him. And people loved any remix that was done of his song regardless of genre of music.