Feb 14, 2006 20:56
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
Name?: kasey
Age?: 16
Height?: 5'3
Weight?: mmm average
Birthday?: 05/15/89
Birthplace?: north carolina
Current Location?: some small town
School/Grade?: junior
Zodiac Sign?: tarus
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: snake bitches
Righty or Lefty?: Right-handed
Haircolor?: blonde
Eyecolor?: Blue
Skin Color?: mm tan in the summer, pale in the winter
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)? live with my family..have one brother parents are divorced.
Any Pets?: No
If So What Are They?: dont care
Favorite Relative?: emma?
Least Favorite Relative?: dont think i have one
What's Your Heritage/Race?: irish and greek
Political Affilation?: mm not sure
Sexuality?: Straight
Are You In A Relationship Now?:No
If So, With Whom?:
For How Long?:
Are You In Love?: noppppe
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: of course
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: cant say i have
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: i think 12
Virgin?: nope
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: 15
Was It Enjoyable?: yes yess.. love the floor
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: far
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my neck
Best Love Quote?: no idea
Best?: i have like 5
How Many Do You Have?: good friends about as many as i count on my hands.. and then others that i hang out with
More Guys Or Girls?: guys
Love Them All?: mm some are a love/have
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: yep!
Oldest?: ellen and kate
Newest?: lauren or christa
Pen Pal?: some camp friends
Pen: homsi
Flower: Nicki
Pink: Jo
Window: Jess
Heart: ellen
Mother: ellen
Bread: idk
Insane: shawna :)
Sunglasses: niki
Pimp: SARA
Cross: care hahahah
Lonely: none
Car: kelli
Music: jason
Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
Thongs or G-Strings?: thongs
Shorts or Pants?: shorts
Shoes or Barefeet?: barefeet
Books or Movies?: movies
Night or Day?: night
Dark or Light?: dark
Mountains or Beach?: beach
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: sprite girl
Guys or Girls?: both
Swim or Surf?: wish i could surf
Gay Marriage?: for
Abortion?: for
Bush Getting Re-elected?: no im smarter then him
Suicide?: uh dont think im ever going to think about that
War?: depends what we are fighting for
Pants?: take em off already
Clothes In General?: for
Penises?: for...just for fun though
Color?: blue
Number?: 12
Holiday?: my birthday
Season?: summer
Movie?: now and then
Book?: harry potter
Magazine?: people
Food?: bread
Drink?: orange juice
TV Show?: everwood
Song?: no idea
Band?: to many
Computer Game?: no idea
Video Game?: mario
Anime/Manga?: huh?
Shirt?: hahah what
Pants?: jeans
Actor?: brad pitt...sexy
Actress?: julia roberts
Singer?: mm not sure
Flower?: sunflower
Scent?: happy heart
Animal?: monkey
Cookie?: chocolate chip
Want To Go To College?: hells yes
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: nursing :)))
Want To Get Married?: when im ready
Want To Have Kids?: i think i do.. i think i want to feel what its like to just be loved from day one.
What Would Their Names Be?: girl- leily boy- connor or caleb
How Many?: two tops
Where Do You Want To Live?: new york or boston
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: beach
How Do You Want To Die?: i dont want to
Piercings?: yes
Tattoos?: no
Smoke? no
Drink?: yes
Do Drugs?: yes
Skinny Dip?: have
Greatest Fear?: sharks and the dark
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Go To Church?: nope
Religion?: christian
Scars?: yeppp! fav on my knee
CDs Owned?: mm lots
Collections?: glass dolls
Like To Be Naked?: sometimes
Ever Eaten Sushi?: nope
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: nope
Been On Stage?: i have
Danced In The Rain?: i have
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: yep
Weirdest Dream?: hmm not sure
Best Dream?: hahah i cant say
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: dont want to talk about it ..
Think You're Attractive?: nnooo idea you tell me
Shoplifted?: hahah me and care love it
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: yeeeeep
Weirdest Makeout Place?: in the woods?
Like Thunderstorms?: love em
Favorite Shoes?: FLIP FLOPS
Favorite Quote?: mm not sure
Best Advice Given?: live everyday like you wont live another
Worst Advice Given?: tell him how you feel
Favorite Song Lyric?: i have a lot
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: mm no idea i ma fun person
Glad This Is Over?: yes!!!!