(no subject)

Dec 30, 2004 02:57

I know I said no more updates...but I do what I want!

umm so I hate people who act one way in front of certain people and then another way in front of another person...I mean im know everyone does it at one point but ahh this girl is driving me insane. I love her to death but why can't she just tell me the truth? She lied to me and is keeping something from me...of course its no big deal...like what she is "keeping" from me isent a big deal at all..its just the fact that she calls me her best friend and doesn't tell me this and tells other people...haha which these other people told me which is awesome im glad i know a secret that she was keeping from lol its just "shady"...ahh i hate how she tries to act all "badass" in front of certain people ahh she needs to learn that all that does is make her look like an idiot!!

On a happier note!! Tonight I got to hang out with Hannah and Leslie!! Wahoo!! I love those girls there soo...hmm whats the word?? Funny, beautiful, crazy, silly, cute, hilarious, pretty, wonderful, splendid, haha Hannah can't you tell I am happy your home?!
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