I'm back

Aug 02, 2004 18:41

Ok, so Vt was fun, I did a few new thinks, legal and illegal. Also, I learned about the cello more. But funny stories:
So, our quartet performed last Monday, just everthing that went wrong did. First, we weren't quiet tuned before we went out. It the not like gs, where you have a side door to the stage, it is a crappy stage and you have to walk from the back (behind te audience and then come on the side of the stage, it make sense if you see it) so, the vla and I are on one side and the violins are on the other side. Wel, our coach starts to clap and tell us to go, but the stage crew had not put the music out and stuff. Both of the vns go and the vla hesitates and then she goes. Well, I;m like should i go so we don;t look all disoneccted or should i stay ad they will come back and we will go on after they set the stage. Well, it didn;t really matter b/c the old woman walk (at an alarmingly slow rate) and i couldn;t get around her, so everyone is on stage and the is an old lady infront of me as i walk. Eventually I get on the stage. and then we start and whatnot, in the second movement, our Vn I breaks her E string, so we have to leave again and then she changes the string and then we have to go out again, mind you that the E string contiuned to get flat the entire performance. Well, those are the to biggest thing. Other things were that the vla's page turn didn;t really happen and then she couldn't cue me and then we sort of have tp finds oursleves again. But, to be optemistic, it was a powerful, intense performance.
And on the was back from Vt michelles parents took us to NEW YORK CITY! It was so fun, we saw a musical--Aida, is was good, and it was long! 2 1/2 hours, but it was really good and very elaberate and good staging and stuff. Also, we gor to shop and go to the parks and stuff. We go to ride the subway and the bus, (hey i live in SC, that is a big deal) I got a jacket from Urban Outfitters and a belt from Armani Exchange. It was just plan fun, and I want to go back ther,I don;t know how living there would work, but if you have a few friends living in an apartment, then it would be really fun. Also, after the musical we ate at the fun asian resturante, it was nice.
And I came back yesterday and I imediatly got on the internet, but after 6-7 weeks of no internet, the internet was broken (so judi, that is why i didn;t respond) but now we fixed it.
OK, well, time to go pick up food.
Tommorrow I will be out dioing a little shopping, and get school stuff. Holla
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