A real challenge for me

Jul 19, 2011 10:16

A surprise, that I am writing in English now... Haven't done it in a while and find it a bit difficuIt now. Should (must, have to, need to) get back in shape!=)

So I have been given a real challenge, and I am soooo excited! I don't know... But when it comes to English and translating I am always excited. I do love it=)

Actually I have done quite a lot of written translation in the last couple of years - why should I be so excited? But all of it have mostly been contracts, information text, letters, websites and stuff like that. I have never done a literary translation in my entire life (of course not taking into account my University years, I mean real assignments). Literary translation is more, than a translation. Or not a translation at all. It is copyrighted. It's art. Literary translation is always not about the words, it's about the implicit information that's in between the lines and the impact it produces upon the receiver of the text. And that's what's the most difficult to reflect. You have to live the situation through, feel it, switch your brain to the other language and then express it. And moreover you really have to express it in a beautiful way, you do have to know how to skilfully use the language. So when you suppose that a translator has a skill of translating, it means, that this person is a linquist, philologist, copyritgher, composer, phychologist, creator, actor in a way... (yeah, I might have exaggerated a bit and walked too far=)...

Well, I have been asked to do a translation of the film by direstepireste, which is already quite a sensation in certain circles (and there have been written quite a lot about it in the Internet - 1, 2, 3, etc.). The film is her assignment at the University where she studies directing and though it's not finished yet, she got a five for the director version (which is not the final version). I have already gotten the director version, the script and am anticipating to start the project ASAP. Worth mentioning that quite a bunch of Vologda film-making professionals worked and is working on the film...

I know it's very time- and work-consuming. And the project is of course non-commercial (which is actually good - non-commercial things usually turn out better than their commercial look-alikes, I love to do non-commercial projects=) Actually what struck me very much at VOICES festival was the English subtitles of the movies. They were sooo bad! Even when I watched a foreign film, let's say italian and I didn't of course understand the original, I didn't like the English subtitles and stumbled while reading them - they did feel unnatural and primitive! There even were misprints! How come?!? I will do better=)

What are the English subtitles needed for, I won't say. But they definetely are.
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