Moving, again

Jun 24, 2009 16:10

I've had a couple new friends find this blog, which has reminded me to post a note.

I'm  - check this out - *actually blogging* occasionally over on Dreamwidth:

I picked up an account there to support synecdochic 's work there: I've gotten so much pleasure from her fic over the years that getting a paid account seemed like an appropriate way to say thank you.

You can friend, read and comment with your LJ login, so please feel free to follow me in any way you like.

Also, I have three Dreamwidth account codes available: if you'd like one, to set up your own Dreamwidth journal, just drop me a comment *over there* and I'll give them out, first come, first served.

And, the best places to reach me are on Facebook (John Carter McKnight) and Twitter (john_carter).

See you around!

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