More Good Stuff!

Feb 16, 2008 09:48

I'm at my first grad-studenty virtual worlds conference, and it's been a great week.  I got in last night, and the hotel desk clerk apologetically explained there's been a mistake with my room... they'd had to upgrade me to one with its own in-room jacuzzi.  I generously didn't pitch a fit - but did soak well into prunehood.

I met with the director of my new grad program at the beginning of the week - who was incredibly encouraging and supportive.  He set me up with meetings with key faculty for my dissertation committee, and is actively working to put a funding package together for me.  It looks like the chair of my committee might be the chair of the School of Human Evolution and Social Change, one of the most senior and respected professors on campus - because they want to signal support for the work I'm doing. Amazing, and a complete change from the malign neglect of my old program.

I've also been invited to co-lead a discussion on Monday for a faculty seminar on religion and transhumanism, supported by a grant from the Templeton Foundation. So I spent the flight out making tons of notes - this is going to be an interesting challenge!

And, one of the best parts of the past week has been seeing
faith74 so happy - oral surgery must agree with her! :P

So, yeah, no cake - but I'm starting to get serious about losing the tonnage anyway.  Great stuff!
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