There's the new Coke and Chips site, created and maintained by the *insert flattering adjective here* Jay and Tim. It's currently still under construction, but the old site is down, so feel free to drop in on this one from time to time for regular updates. Once it is fully operational, I will be sure to drop a note so that you may all share in the splendor that is Coke and Chips.
*Spread the love!*
Go look! Now! Worship! :-P
CombineHL2: :-P
Kasei248: what do YOU want
CombineHL2: your sexy body
Kasei248: ha
Kasei248: right
CombineHL2: *kissy face*
Kasei248: lol, dork
CombineHL2: girls are so hott
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: yes they r lol
CombineHL2: i need to like
CombineHL2: get out and see some sometime
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: hahaha
Kasei248: yeah, that might be nice
CombineHL2: yeah
CombineHL2: i think ill post
CombineHL2: some pictures of my penis
CombineHL2: on the site
Kasei248: haha, the old site?
Kasei248: u could post some on the new one, but like, really up close, so no one even actually knows what it is
Kasei248: and say... that it's one of those hidden picture thingers
Kasei248: so ppl stare at it for hours trying to find the hidden image
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: just hearing the sound is funny tho lol
Kasei248: ARE U THE BIGGEST ONE?!?!?!
CombineHL2: lol
CombineHL2: "thats what they call me in bed"
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: hahaha, yeah, that was the best line
CombineHL2: coke and chips old site is gone
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: *plays taps*
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: it had a good run
Kasei248: onto bigger and better!
CombineHL2: yes
CombineHL2: moving gracefully forward
Kasei248: i am advertising ur site in my lj
CombineHL2: lol
CombineHL2: *everyone* WHY DONT THE LINKS WORK!!
Kasei248: lol, nah, it's ok, i mentioned the under construction status :-P
Kasei248: see?
CombineHL2: Current Mood: horny
CombineHL2: oh really ;-)
Kasei248: haha, maybe
CombineHL2: damn it feels good to be a gangsta
Kasei248: hahaha
Kasei248: boy u aint no gansta
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: WEST SIDE
CombineHL2: lol
Kasei248: hahaha
CombineHL2: LO actually sounds kinda cool
CombineHL2: if u didnt know what it really stands for
Kasei248: haha, right
CombineHL2: lol