Apr 11, 2006 21:56
It's been quite some time since i last updated. A ton has happened since then,going out to gay and goth bars. Thats for starters, and no I'm not gay. Just bored, I suppose is the best answer for that. Anyhow I don't want to talk about my clubbing habits. Mental abuse is just as deadly as physical abuse. It's an ugly development, and when you're significant other does it. Can you recognize it, and what do you do? Just like with physical abuse, people scream leave and just get out. If you look at why and how things got to the point that it did. Most of these people no longer posess the will to leave and move on. This is really to no fault of their own, it's just a grasp. On second thought, I don't want to talk about this either. Later Dayz.