
Mar 08, 2005 22:10

sometimes i wonder if i made the right choice on opening my mouth about the person i thought i once loved but then i realise it was nothing but full of lies then i wonder what if it would have been like if i never said anything about this person and how things would be? what do i think and feel i think i learn a valuable lesson dont throw your heart to someone until you know it can rest and not be broken for a while and how do i feel its an odd feeling but yet good feeling i feel like i succeed in finding out how this person really was and realise that im free again and up for the challenge of looking for someone to let my heart rest apon theres, sometime we wonder why we do things but we always say i learned from it now i'll know what to look for or should say i have a better understanding of what to look for, what im trying to say is dont ever say you love someone until you truely love someone, this weekend i might give shrooms a shot, i'll be trippin that for sure, there is one person who i have to thank that gave me the confidence to realise what was going on and you know who you are thanks i'll take you out to dinner over spring break, heres a qoute i came up one night:

you give respect, show respect and grant respect and you'll get respect

heres few more for the heck of it:

never fight for what inst worth it, but love for all that has a mean to it

the more you please the more valuable your words come

its better to be slow then incorrect

oh and by the way i wrote these and they are under copy right of my name so dont try to copy, if you do you i have the right to sue you... haha
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