So I'm feeling a little bit better today. Sometimes I just don't know what gets into me. There are days where I literally think nothing will ever make me happy but then there are days like today where I'm pretty content w my life... Josh cleaned most of the house on his days off and cooked dinner and baked a cake. And he has been taking care of baby girl while I relaxed after I got home from work. Days like today really make me think that be reall is tying to change. And it makes me really happy because there are some days where I really question if things are gonna work out between us. I've been trying to. I've been trying not to be so selfish because he says that's one of the things I need to work on. I never really thought I was selfish but I guess when I sit back and look at how I treat him sometimes isouldnt want to b treated that way so I'm trying to be a better person as well. Idk if he has noticed but I really am trying :)
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