
Dec 17, 2011 09:10

It was night and I was at a large backyard dinner party held by my sister for some small Christian group she was a part of. I was the one who had introduced her to it, although I'd given up on them some time ago and it was all harmless enough.

My sister and was spouting some of their typical nonsense about salvation like it really meant something. She'd always been like that. Then it started getting darker and darker. Looking up, the full moon was slowly disappearing as if being eclipsed in the shadow of the Earth... only it "missed". My sister looked frustrated, but soon storm clouds filled the sky and it started raining. Incredibly weird, but I left before I got soaked.

Stumbling about the next morning, I was listening on the radio. There were some strange things going on: the most prominent being that the moon was allegedly gone. I talked with my parents a bit (the part of my dad played by Patrick Stewart), joking about what had happened. They, of course, had no idea. I can't believe my parents didn't notice, they were watching TV and surely it had been reported.

Looking for my sister, she hadn't returned home with me... but then, why would she?

Worried, I went to the Christian group. There was a buzz of excitement, when I asked after my sister, they merely told me that a new world was dawning. She was now high priestess and she and her followers had ascended to be with their God. The more I kept demanding answers, the more it sounded like some sort of suicide cult.

Then I saw it out of the corner of my eye. I'm not sure what it was, but it was as dark as night and monstrous. I got the hell out of there.

Returning home, I asked my parents about my sister. They had no answers. Several moonless days passed with more and more people noticing. I also found out that my sister had committed suicide, but it was a small headline, something a person would miss unless they were looking for it.

Then the moon returned. Not the moon we knew, but an apparent utopia for true believers. The Christian cult, of course, sent my family a flyer about it... but soon my sister was on every TV station advertising her god's salvation. Again, my parents didn't seem to notice.

Deciding to confront her, I tried to track her down, only to be refused at every turn... until I finally encountered that monstrous beast again. This time, not out of the corner of my eye, but right in front of me and nobody else seemed to notice. Frozen with fear, I yelled that I knew what he was... I was bluffing, of course, and I the last thing I remember was that beast slowly approaching me...

Waking up in my warm comfy bed again, it must have all been a dream... except, where was I? I thought I was on a boat, except that was crazy. Standing up and walking out into the warm midday sun, I was on a boat. I saw my father steering into some small cove owned by some carnival folk he used to know and he merely pointed up at moon, still a beautiful utopia.

Why were we here? I was having trouble remembering anything. My dad told me that God was here to save us. Except that I knew that it wasn't God...

---the point of view shifting to my sister---

I was alone in my utopia. My Goddess was usually with me, yet here she was strangely absent. Looking about, everything felt... different. I was going home... not to my Goddess, but my parents... no, not home, why would I go there? The beach house then.

Walking, I could go anywhere I wanted. This was heaven... but strangely less so right now. Then I saw him, my brother. Why was he here, had he been saved? I welcomed him with open hands but he merely looked down. We were giants and below us was our old holiday home... except not. He told me to look for what is real. I told him to stop confusing me and demanded that he leave.

Then I felt the safe hand of my Goddess push him away, leaving me alone again. Looking down at the beach house, it did seem strange. Shrinking a bit, I studied it, something was wrong. Looking around, the entire place was wrong. There were now four beach houses, each exactly alike, or were they? This was heaven, how could heaven be wrong?

Shaking my head, I fled to my Goddess. She was waiting for me, ever beautiful... then I looked down and ran. I didn't stopped until she finally overwhelmed me, dragging me down into that horrible wall of flesh and bodies...


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