
Mar 24, 2011 06:15

I was a teenage girl on a vacation my my mother (fair skin, long light brown hair) and her boyfriend. He was incredibly nice and handsome, with blond hair, blue eyes and a partially unbuttoned shirt. I often thought to myself how I wish I could get such a perfect boyfriend.

However, every night, when we went to sleep, I'd dream that he was doing something sinister. Then I would wake up in the morning and everything would be normal. We'd go play on the beach or just hang out in the holiday house.

One night, I had a vivid dream in which my mum and her boyfriend were making out. Then I noticed that she wasn't really moving. Then he looked up at me with bloody fangs bared. I did nothing as I was just a casual observer in the dream and he bit back down into her.

I woke up and went about the day as normal. It was raining, so we spent the day inside making fun of the old books that were in the house.

When I went to sleep, I dreamt that I was in my room... only there was a full length mirror. It reflected the room, but it was different. For starters, it wasn't reflecting me.

Then I saw myself walk in: she was much more serious and aggressive looking. She looked at me and said that she was a vampire hunter and walked out of the room. At that point, I knew I was in the mirror, not her.


I only remember the end of the dream... which is really no different from any other time. The entire feel of the dream was cartoonish, as if some happy hardcorer puked on my brain.

I was a woman and was hanging out with a friend and her circus clown boyfriend and all his circus clown friends, none of whom were in constume but still looked mostly alike. The one clown who looked different, being taller and having brown hair instead of black, decided to ask me out, so it turned into a double date.

The other clowns kept us entertained, and then their frenetic motion built to a climax where they rolled up and laid out on the ground. Back and forth and then my friend's date grabbed her and joined in.

The rolled up and *poof* the two of them disappeared. My date laughed and told me that he didn't think I'd be interested in what they were doing. I told him otherwise and he grabbed me and there was a whirl of motion as we all rolled up a final time.

Suddenly, I was in a cinema lobby... except that everything was red, like a rave. We were going to see Winnie the Pooh and we went all up to the counter and one of the clowns said something like, "Seven tickets for three please" which seemed hilarious in my dream.

Then there was a short time skip and I was walking down the cinema hall by myself. I had gone ahead of my friends, but there were people everywhere having a good time in the rave like atmosphere.

I was a little unsure of myself, but I walked over to the desk and, as per instructions, handed over my ticket with the full list of me and my friends. My friend and our dates were all listed under the name "Pony", as in, My Little Pony. The guy nodded and I wandered through the doors.

The other side was... a classroom. There were sixteen desks arranged in four by four and the entire room was brightly lit, kind of like a science lab. There were ten people already seated (the two back rows and two in the front), each of them from some crazy subculture and everybody still being silly and having a good time.

Four desks were marked "Pony", two written in red letters and two in black. I sat down, seeming rather shy compared to the outgoing people in the room. Also, at some point, I had become male... not that this dream was big on continuity.



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