Dream Journal

Feb 23, 2007 12:25

My dream last night was INCREDIBLY AWESOME

And I can't remember most of it :<
Well, incredibly awesome is overstating it just a little...

So we (me, some chick and a dude) were explorers in a Victorian Era type setting. The chick was leading the expedition and we were looking for some dead guy's lost treasure.

We were at the town where he lived and we met the dead guy's three children.
There's also a thing with a large coin. It's one of those unimportant things.

So, from them, we learn that the fortune is in some cave somewhere across one of those long creaky bridges. We go there and *surprise surprise* the treasure is there.

It's apparently inside a large glass globe. Inside the globe is a rotating platform.

There's even a friendly guardian of sorts who tells us we will never get in.
Of course, the chick somehow manages to get in. I didn't forget how, it was just never explained. I turned away and when the dream came back to it, she had somehow opened up a hatch underneath the globe. There was some timing involved as the thing was spinning and you didn't want to get crushed but that was no big deal.

The coin also turns up again. There are two here. A silver one (about the size of your forearm) and a large gold one that was stuck in the gears. The gold one needed to be moved for some random dream reason.


The treasure includes a journal from the ex-wife explaining how they had broken up... apparently the dead guy was consorting with another man *shock*

It also turns out that they're all dead. Including the children.
Uh ohs. The dream didn't actually explore why we could talk to them but I presumed it's because we were dead as well.

So we return to the village and talk to the children... who get increasingly agitated as we draw to the final conclusion. Then they all revert to their younger selves and run off and we have to go and find them.

We find the girl first and talk to her. She tells her version of what happened. Apparently that's enough for her to accept her death and move on.

Next we find the younger son in his old bed (it's all very cinematic).

Stupid dreams :<

Now, were we dead as well? I don't know but it certainly was strongly implied.

So I thought I'd look up coins in some online dream dictionaries...

To see coins in your dream, indicates missed or overlooked opportunities that come your way. To see gold coins in your dream, represent success and wealth. Silver coins represents spirituality, values, and your self-worth.

Coins: Small value. Distracted by lesser concerns.

Coins: To dream of gold, denotes great prosperity and much pleasure derived from sight-seeing and ocean voyages. Silver coin is unlucky to dream about. Dissensions will arise in the most orderly families. For a maiden to dream that her lover gives her a silver coin, signifies she will be jilted by him. Copper coins, denotes despair and physical burdens. Nickel coins, imply that work of the lowest nature will devolve upon you. If silver coins are your ideal of money, and they are bright and clean, or seen distinctly in your possession, the dream will be a propitious one.

To see gold coins in your dream represents success and wealth. Silver coins represent spirituality, values, and your self-esteem. Coins in dreams can also suggest missed opportunities.

COIN Sometimes a coin has similar symbolism to circle. This may represent something you value, so can have a very wide significance. For instance two gold coins, in one person's dream represented his twin sons, who were of great value to him.

Anything to do with money may suggest worries about finance, or an intuition of good fortune.

If the money is dirty, it may be a suggestion that you are living beneath your best motives, earning money in a grubby way. Because we call loose money change in English, sometimes the coins might represent change in your life - small changes.

Old valuable coins: These could depict deeply important memories held within yourself about inherited wisdom from your family, maybe even past lives.

Interesting... >_>


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