DreamJournal 470X

Jan 15, 2007 11:48

This dream was supposed to be a game or a machanima video or something...

You are standing in a dark bedroom, wondering where your family is. You walk to the door and open it.

Opposite you, on the hallway wall, is a blood smear but there is no body. You are curious but it is of no importance.

You step into the hallway and begin to wander around the upper floor but cannot find anybody except for the occasional blood stain.

You wander downstairs and continue the search. Again, there is nothing except for blood. You wander into the lower floor study and there is a woman there. She is dying and looks afraid.

You gently stroke her a few times with your hands before leaving for the front door. You open it and take a few steps and look up at the sky. Where is your family?

The camera zooms out completely, fully revealing that you are, in fact, an Xenomorph (as in, the movie Alien). Hooray for slaughtering the weak fleshed humans, lol!

dream, alien

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