74 gripes and complaints

Feb 06, 2006 02:19

I appologize for all of you who have tuned in thinking this was going to be another bit of random happiness, or whatever it is that you expect when you look at my journal, because this is not going to be one of those entries.

We've all heard them say it. Don't use your livejournals to talk about people. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to dip my pen in that ink well.

Why oh WHY do people PERSIST on making vague entries about crap that you obviously need to get out, but in a medium where people are afraid to outright criticize you or give any sort of honest feedback? If you post something entirely non-sensical on your xanga site or whatever, and then expect people to comment, guess what kind of comments you're going to get! The ones from people sympathizing with you, saying "sure, I know how your'e feeling, we should hang out sometime" or "just call me if you need to talk to anyone." Whatever happened to picking up a God damned phone and actually TALKING TO SOMEONE?? Why all this stupid posting on your sites about how horrible your life is, how someone dissed you so bad that you can't bear to live now, or whatever else? I am so sick and tired of all these people having great friendships because they read each others' sites. it pisses me off because I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO READ EVERYONE'S GOD DAMNED PROBLEMS ALL THE TIME!!! That doesn't mean I don't care!! That just means I know a lot of people!!! Don't exclude me from hang-outs, don't think I'm less of a person because I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON because you POSTED "IT ALL" ON YOUR SITE!!! Which, by the way, is hardly ever the case because people are too busy being vague that they forget that some of us weren't at the party, or some of us are not behind the closed doors, but you OBVIOUSLY want people to know what happened because you've posted about it. That doesn't mean that I'm still not here for any of you! I'm so tired of people saying "It's not important," or "It doesn't matter" when I asked them what's wrong, only to find out later that if I just read their xanga's, I'll know everything about them. Or entire conversations based solely on ONE POST from someone's stupid livejournal!!! Whatever happened to REAL CONVERSATIONS?!?!?! Why can't friends just talk to friends??

Or maybe I'm just missing the point... Maybe all these people really don't give a rat's flying ass about me, so they don't come to me for anything. I don't know how many times I ask people what's wrong, do they need help, do they need someone to talk to, and they've replied that they're okay, but later find out that they talked to someone else about the problem they were supposedly having. I'm not saying I'm nosy and just want to know everybody's business. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying, that if I ask you what's wrong and you say nothing, then really MEAN it, or at least give me the freakin' courtesy to tell me that you don't want to talk to me about it.

I've lost one candidate brother to this thing. I thought we were close. I thought we had a great connection, come to find out that I was falling behind on the times. Meanwhile, he made loads of new friends because they all read his xanga site. They all 'understand' him. So, basically, he's telling me that normal human interaction is not good enough for this generation anymore. Conversations, staying late nights and talking to people, calling them up just to say hi or how cool I think he is, that doesn't amount to jack shit because I don't read some freakin' vague post about how depressing life is for him. I was freakin' there for him!!! I was ALWAYS there for ANY of my candidate siblings. But half the time I don't know what's going on because of said problem. I guess that's why I don't really have a 'clique' either, nor do I know about half the stuff that goes on until someone happens to make some silly side-comment.

This problem has nothing to do with "the groups," just so y'all know. This is a problem with INDIVIDUALS. Don't perpetuate drama by posting something shady on your sites. Don't post your life for others to see and not let the caring in. YOUR LIFE IS NEVER AS BAD AS YOU THINK IT IS, and, unless you're dead, IT CAN ALWAYS BE WORSE!! Don't forget that in your wallowing pity! Don't forget that there are PEOPLE that love you, not just pixels and a blank page.

I would go up and tell people this to their face if I thought it would make any difference. That's already been tried, though, from my understanding, but it's still going on, so I thought I'd try the medium in which you all seem to flourish in. I'm also not trying to sensor anyone's posts at all. By all means, it's your web space, say what you want. Just be prepared to handle questions by people who read it and have no idea what you mean because you've posted something for a target audience. Hello, that's what private posts are for. If you Public it, then I will ask you questions. I WILL make sure that you ARE NOT going to do anything stupid to yourself because you're life seems so unbearable at that moment. And if you don't like me, or you don't want me to know what's going on, THEN FUCKING TELL ME!!! Don't lie to me and say it's all right, or it really doesn't matter, or you don't want to start drama, because I don't see ANY ONE INDIVIDUAL as drama. Your life is not the "drama" that is to be avoided.

Oh, and if you're upset because it's a 'brother thing' and I can't know, SAY IT!! I'm freakin' in love with a brother, and you better believe that I know there are things I don't need to know, and there are LOTS of things that I don't delve into because I know the boundaries. Believe me, I KNOW them. I won't keep asking you a million questions if it's a brother thing, but if you don't tell me that, how am I supposed to know??? So don't get mad at me if you say nothing and I keep asking questions, cause I'm just going to assume there's something wrong.
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