Name- Taaaaaccccooooooo~
tacos_of_doom Email address- britishmoo[at]gmail[dot]com
AIM/MSN/YIM (optional)- [.....]
Character, series- Kasane Teto :: VOCALOID // UTAU
Character journal-
kasaneterritory Character type- It really doesn't apply to VOCALOID and/or UTAU characters, but as far as VOCALOID is concerned? Teto seems more minor. As far as UTAU is concerned, she's more on the major end of the stick.
Digimon partner- Pagumon > Gizamon > Deltamon > Kimeramon > Millenniumon
D-Comm colours/symbol- Black // Hot Pink // Symbol is a loaf of french bread
Imported from another RP?- Well, no, not really.
Character appearance-
Character age- Physical Age - 15 and a half.
"Chimera" age - 31
Character history- It started out as a rumor.
VOCALOIDs, the best and the brightest in artificially intelligent idols of Japan, were keeping fans on the edge of their seats, waiting for news on any new additions to the group. Around mid to late March of 2008, a rumor began to spread of a new addition to the VOCALOID family. Fans were excited; a new addition! How exciting it was to expect new talent, and the new addition performing alongside his or her elder brothers and sisters!
Much to the dismay of the fans when April first came and went, and the rumored ‘Kasane Teto’ was simply an April fools’ joke. The rumors had been started and circulated by a brother company to the company who originally created the VOCALOIDs, and while tension was high for a little bit between the two companies (mainly concerning the fans, who … for lack of better wording, didn’t take the news of Teto being merely an April Fools’ joke too well), all settled down within a few weeks, and life returned to normal.
The brother company put some thought into their little prank, and realized that, yes, while VOCALOIDs were popular, they couldn’t be accessed by a wide variety of people; they were professional idols, and while they were, in fact, much cheaper to hire than professional human idols, they were still quite expensive. Thus, the brother group set a plan into motion: Kasane Teto, originally an April Fools’ joke, would come to life … and work as a charity idol.
From the beginning, the company knew that the success of the UTAUloids, the charity idols, wouldn’t be nearly as much as the success reigned in from the VOCALOIDs, nor were they expecting much success. They simply wished for an idol, or two … or three, four, however many were needed, that they could bring in, in the case that someone didn’t have the money to spend on one of the VOCALOIDs.
The company creating the VOCALOIDs thought this was a great idea. It wouldn’t exactly be stealing their profit, as the higher quality of the VOCALOIDs would ensure that they still had people hiring them, but it would also give a chance for others to see something similar to their creations. As a result of their enthusiasm and support for the project, they donated a bit of money, and a few parts here and there to help with the completion of Kasane Teto, the rumored first installment in the UTAU series. This time? The rumors were true.
It only took a few months to complete Teto; she was ready to be released by Halloween of that same year, and everything seemed to be running smoothly. Unfortunately, it was going too smoothly. Teto was turned on a few days before her official release, to see if there were any bugs or any kinks in the programming that needed to be worked out, and two nights before she was to make her first appearance anywhere, while she was recharging, a virus crept into her systems and corrupted a lot of her programming. The virus was caught the next morning, but by that time, many of Teto’s files had already been damaged quite a bit. Teto’s creators did all they could to fix what they could mend, but the fact remained they they simply didn’t have the time or the money to go in-depth with the repairs. Teto seemed just as sweet as she always was, however (perhaps a little too sweet, but they paid the extra hint of sweetness no mind), and so the creators concluded that there would be nothing wrong with introducing her on schedule.
Sure enough, Teto was released right on time. Her portrayal was of a fifteen and a half year old girl, appealing to the teenagers of the day and age, and her voice was high. As expected, she was not of as high a grade as the VOCALOIDs, but she was still quite talented in her own right. However, fans would sometimes suspect that there was something not quite right with Teto; though the only people who knew of the virus that attacked Teto before her release were the people who created her, fans began to see an almost ‘demonic’ change that occurred in her from time to time. Art began to circulate of Teto with wings, a dragon’s tail, and with her spiral pigtails made into drills on both sides of her head. The creators passed this off as imagination of the fans, and found it amusing. They began to call Teto their little ‘demon,’ and Teto herself even seemed to find it funny.
Teto went on to perform quite a bit; solo, alongside her eventually made brothers and sisters of UTAU, and even alongside the VOCALOIDs themselves on some occasions. Teto and Neru grew to be about as good of friends as one could ever be with Neru, and Teto seemed to talk with her privately a bit more than she did with any of her other ‘cousins.’
It wasn’t long before the rest of Teto’s ‘cousins’ began to see the ‘demonic’ side of ‘sweet little Teto’ as well. As time went on and Teto began performing more and more with her cousins, she began to develop a sort of ‘envy’ of them, and began to flaunt her pride as UTAU more and more often. She also began to act strangely, whispering and murmuring to herself about things that most of her cousins and siblings could never really pick up, but sounded vaguely like plans to ‘eliminate the competition.’
To this day, however, the creators only see Teto’s very real demonic side as a joke, and continue to believe that she is still every bit the sweetheart they created. Teto continues to perform alongside her cousins and siblings, and solo, as well. And she continues to be at the brunt of lots of jokes concerning ‘demons’ and ‘chimeras,’ which was what that ‘demonic’ side of her was finally labeled as.
Teto wasn’t with her ‘cousins’ on their most recent tour, but word reached that they had to cancel, due to three of them having gone missing all of a sudden, without a trace. Teto, who had been lounging around the couch with her brother, Ted, and her sister, Momo, became interested in this news, and leaned forward to hear. Apparently, Haku Yowane, and Rin and Len Kagamine were the ones who had suddenly disappeared.
This baffled Teto. This made her … surprisingly angry. No! This wasn’t supposed to be how they met their end! She was supposed to dominate them! Teto set to work on trying to find out what had happened, under the guise that she was ‘concerned’ about her cousins and their well-being. A week or so later, it was reported that Miku Hatsune had also disappeared.
This baffled Teto further, and she began to work tirelessly to find out what the hell was stealing her prey. Unfortunately, she was working so hard at trying to find out what happened that she didn’t even realize when she was pulled into the exact same predicament …
Character personality- Teto was originally intended to be a sweet girl, who liked performing and was able to be adorable and loveable at all times. Unfortunately, after the virus attacked her, that 'sweet girl' was nothing more than an act.
She was good enough to fool her creators, and many others, at least for some time, but over time, her 'other' personality began to show through. Though Teto tries to pull off the guise of not realizing she has another personality (quite badly, might I add), she's fully aware of it, and doesn't try to suppress it more than she needs to. It's difficult whether or not to say she is really envious of her 'cousins,' and wishes for nothing more than thier demise; the virus corruption overpowers her personality to the extent where the corruption appears to be the thing controlling her true wants, needs, thoughts, and whatnot.
Her interactions with people? Upon first meeting, she'll be under the guise of the sweet girl she was made to be. People may begin to notice something off about her as they grow to know her, however ....
Digimon personality- Gizamon has self-esteem issues. He thinks he's ugly, fat, stupid, retarded, completely unattractive, he thinks he's got all of these different things wrong with him, and he thinks that seeing a doctor or a counselor about his problems is only going to make it worse. He's a pessimist, and he looks at the glass as ALWAYS being half-empty. However, as with all depressed, low self-esteemed patients, he has the ability to turn his life around.
Unfortunately, if you ask Gizamon about that right now, he'll be very depressing about it. He doesn't feel he can change. He doesn't feel he'll EVER feel happy. Not even with one of those Tamers he's been hearing about. No siree. Gizamon can't ever be happy. Ever. He'll never be happy. Not even if he achieves evolutionary stages with a tamer. Never.
... Put simply, Gizamon's a real downer. Really. He's too depressed and pessimistic to see anything good that he really has.
Character abilities- Teto, while an android like the rest of the vocaloids, is more advanced. So as far as abilities go, she can really only sing, and she has an intelligence that almost matches her more advanced cousins.
Though, due to the virus corrupting her, she's got capabilities of physical combat. Whenever she gets angry enough, or motivated enough to hurt someone, her pigtails become twin drills. So yes. Her hair is deadly.
Sample RP- "Owwiiie ..." Teto groaned as she sat in the middle of a desert, rubbing one eye with one hand and checking out her surroundings.
"Teto-chan fell into the middle of the desert ..." She noted, looking around. "But why? Teto-chan wasn't in the middle of the desert before ... Teto-chan was sitting with Onii-chan at home, watching television!"
"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms .."
Teto's ears (and hair) perked up at that.
"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms ..."
There. Singing. Not very good singing, but singing nonetheless. A vocaloid? No. This sort of singing wasn't their style, and even then, it didn't sound like any particular loid. If not a vocaloid, though, then ...?
"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms ..."
"Hello? Hellooooo? Teto-chan hears singing, could the one who is singing please show themselves~? Teto-chan won't hurt you!"
The singing stopped. Teto blinked, headtilted, then widened her eyes as she saw a creature show itself.
"Just me. Stupid old me. Resigned to the desert so I don't have to ruin anyone's day with my presence ..."
Teto promptly squealed. Before the creature wondered what it was doing wrong, the redhead had lifted him into her arms, and was now snuggling him. Very. Tightly.
"So cuuuuute! What's your name, little creature? Teto-chan wants to know your name!"
Surprised, but not quite in a good enough mood to give out his name, he responded, muffled against Teto's chest.
"m'name isn't important--"
"OF COURSE IT IS. AND TETO-CHAN WISHES TO KNOW IT." Teto suddenly interrupted. The creature looked up, and saw that Teto's eyes had gained a more ... demonic hue. He shivered.
Yggdrasil, what have I gotten myself into? Buh ... only fitting for someone like me.
"Gizamon," he gulped. Teto returned to normal.
"Giza! How cuuuuute! I am Teto-chan! You may call me Teto-chan! I will keep you forever and hug you and squish you, and eeeee, so cuuuute~!"
Giza had to wonder just what this girl was.
Sample journal entry- [AUDIO]
Uwaaaaa .... This desert is so hooot! It's no good for Teto-chan! Teto-chan is wearing dark clothing!
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I'll go eat worms ...
Gizaaaaa! Giza, you're so cute, don't be singing that!
But it's true.
Good! Now, do you know where Teto-chan is? Maybe a way Teto-chan can find her way back? Onii-chan and everyone else must be so worried that Teto-chan disappeared like that ...
... Goc Desert.
Um ... Teto-chan?
Yeeeeeeees~? [you can heeeear the smile in her voice]
Your D-Comm is recording.
... Oh, is that what this is? Let's see ... Ahh! It Is, maybe I can--