oh god, stupid people

Aug 14, 2009 16:00

so, I'm sitting here on the bus, traveling north on 2nd AVE in downtown Renton. now, I know that renton can be a confusing place if you've never been here before, but how stupid do you have to be to ignore street signs??!?!! For those who don't know, 2nd and 3rd AVE in Renton are one way streets. 2nd is northbound, 3rd is southbound. Well, I'm sitting on the bus, jamming to my sansa, and a latemodel van zooms past, heading south!!!!!! I do a doubletake, and look back to see this jackass going the wrong way! Thankfully he pulled into the parking lot, and no one was in that lane, but damn! Really??? You're that stupid. I mean, the street dead ended at the intersection we were waiting at, and there isn't any sort of turn lane. I guess causr it was a four-lane street... But, we were in the second most left lane, it should have been pretty obvious.... I guess he just /really/ had to go to Safeway....... D:

P.S. I typed this on my phone, so please excuse any errors, it doesn't have spell check like firefox does... :]

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stupid people

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