A group possibly scarier than the Christian Coallition and Pat Robertson

Nov 16, 2005 00:58

I often spend the free time I have while at work looking up right wing blogs and the like. Today I discovered a group I had little or no knowledge about previously. They are the WBC, The Westboro Baptist Church. This group is truly frightening. They preach that God does not love, he hates. He hates all but his select few. All others will feel his wrath and will be punished. This group attacks liberals and conservatives alike. Those that preach God's love and acceptance are among those they damn. Everything that goes against their beliefs are apart of the 'Fag agenda'. They use their hatred for homosexuals in most of their propaganda. They condemn countries , such as America, Sweden, and Canada, as being worthy of God's destruction. They talk about these countries and their 'feces eating, fag armies that will lead them to burn in hell for eternity'. These are the people that picket at funerals. For the funerals of soldiers, they say that God hates America, and that the soldier is going to Hell. For those that remember Matthew Spepherd, the homosexual college student that was beaten and chained to a fence till he died, they attended his funeral; holding signs that said he was in Hell now. They also had a counter for the number of days he has been in Hell. Looking around their site, I found pics of children *presumably children of their members* that were dressed in shirts that stated 'God Hates Fags'. Things like this truly sicken me.
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