In the past couple of hours, I met with a professor, went to the bank, visited Ame at work, got a sandwich, went home and ate said sandwich, caught two stinkbugs and three ladybugs that snuck into our apartment, dropped off DVD rentals, got milk, got a latte, checked the mail and came home.
How come errands are so much more fun and satisfying than schoolwork? :C I would like to be a Professional Errand-Runner when I grow up, please.
On the bright side, I learned today that I'm not a COMPLETE academic failure... just mostly. Well at least, my Voice & Acting professor loves me for no reason. We were all scheduled to have a mid-semester progress meeting with her and, like. :| idek. In spite of being sick and having missed a bunch of classes she described me as "blooming" or something like that and. Even though she knows my interests in Theater lay mostly in technical aspects and set construction (as far as what I'm pursuing, at least) she said that if I'd told her I was an actor she'd be like "okay." Whaaat I am really bad at acting, what are you on.
But I mean idk, it's really nice, especially because she's going to be one of the heads of the Theater department soon so I'll be seeing a lot of her while I'm here, so it's quite good that she likes me. She was even like "Oh, your major advisor is this guy? Well, you should have this other guy since he's the one who does set construction, so I'll tell them to switch that for you!" idk my new bff wacky acting teacher?
Other than that I'm still massively behind and paranoid that my other professors hate me, so that's cool I guess. This week I've been stuck in a really shitty cycle of skipping classes to finish late work from when I was sick, but then accumulating MORE work because of MORE absences. cool cool cool
Also I fucking... somehow lost my passport. I don't have a driver's license or state-issued photo ID (I KNOW, I KNOW, IT'S LAME, SHUT UP) so my passport has been my ONLY form of ID for several years now. Aaand somewhere between Friday the 16th when I was packing to go home and I KNOW I tucked it into my purse and like, the next day when we went to Mitsuwa and it was no longer in my purse it seems to have... spontaneously combusted. I don't understand what happened to it but I feel literally lost without it. I have no way to prove I'm even fucking 18, much less 21 which, AS I'M STILL TRYING TO ENJOY WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE 21, REALLY BLOWS. It rules out bars for Halloween and many other things that are really a pain in the ass because DAMMIT I'M 21 I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS SHIT ALREADY ARGRGHHRHRGHGHR
I'm also seriously bummed about having lost the immigration stamps from Germany, the Netherlands and Japan. Not like I don't have plenty of other memories from those trips, but I liked the official proof in my passport. :c The only silver lining of this situation is that I'll finally be able to replace my horrific passport picture if my old one doesn't turn up. As any of you who've seen it know, it really is the worst picture of me in existence.
I have to sew my entire Halloween costume tomorrow!!! I have a feeling I will be sewing pretty much right until
__kaze__'s Hogwarts/Halloween party starts. STILL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT WE'RE DOING ON ACTUAL HALLOWEEN WHICH IS RETARDED goddammit I just wish I had my ID I am so not above just trolling bars but FFFFF CAN'T ;_;
I'm just pretty goddamn stressed.