stop and hold my breath and watch the way we used to be.

Nov 20, 2008 17:31

HAPPY BURPDAY MICHIII hope it is a guud waan ♥

✖ Internet. Ok so general consensus:
New Facebook = sucks.
New Livejournal = sucks.
New Gmail = ~awesome~

Seriously, new Gmail is rad. I'm really enjoying the themes. I'm using Tree, which changes depending on the weather where you are. How awesome is that?! Plus? They give you the option to use the old version, which is more than lj and facebook can say. Derp.

✖ School. Classes for next semester, assuming I get into the two that are already full..:
ANTHRO 103 Human Origins and Variations (3 credits) - to satisfy a Gen-Ed.
CMP-SCI 120 Problem Solving w/ Internet (3 credits) - satisfying my other math requirement, lol. And you know how much I love problem solving with Internet.
THEATER 130 Contemporary Playwrights of Color (3 credits) - meets once a week for a few hours. Rad. Currently full, but my Theater prof (who I love) said he'd write me a recommendation if the other prof is hesistant to let me in. ; w;
THEATER 140 Beginning Techniques in Performance (3 credits) - I would have rather taken Beginning Techniques in Design but it was like, 9:05 Monday and Friday and 11:15 Tuesday and Thursday. Ick.
ENGLISH 298A Shakespeare on Film (1 credit) - meets once a week on Wednesday night to watch a Shakespeare movie. Samara, Nellie, Max and I are all taking it, haha. UMass kids! If you want a simple credit, come take it with us. :3
THEATER 110 Performance Management (1 credit) - this isn't actually a class, but a 60 (I think?) hour commitment to the theater for the semester. Getting back into tech work, hoo boy.

Some of these are ass-early for me which means a serious reformation of my sleep schedule next semester.. which I really hope I can pull off. Bright side? NO FRIDAY CLASSES, FUCK YEAH.

✖ Mom. Had a long phone conversations with Mom last night, about what's been going on in my life and what's going on in my future, etc. Things are still pretty up in the air, but it's good to be reminded that she's proud of me and on my side and all that stuff she's always good for. She said "I know how it must feel to just want to be with the one you love" and I just choked up like crazy. I know she's still a little bit weirded out by the fact that I date girls but the fact that she supports me 100% anyway means everything. She's the greatest Mom that ever Mommed.

✖ Katsucon. Our room now likely includes Nick and Meesh which is going to make it pretty crowded but even more amazing. That brings the final tally to: kasaiface, sugar_and_synth, hopefully shuriken, lecheporfavor, eggsterminatus, sweetsweets, geraniumred, itriedbut and BILL. That is a lot of awesome people in one room. It might explode with awesome. (We had this many in our room for Katsu last year and it was too many, but we have a pullout this year aaand several people who are anal about clean rooms, so I think we'll be okay.)

✖ Art. Out of goddamn nowhere, I am on a drawing kick. sugar_and_synth and I are designing a bunch of terrible characters together because we are gigantic gays. God I can't stop drawing stupid colorful dogs.

✖ Po po po. Speaking of quality art, we now have this comic on our fridge. Love my apartment.

✖ Poopmood. I've been feeling pretty wonky all day. I really hope this isn't winter depression sinking in so early, but it's already miserably cold outside and I am bummed out already as a result. Ick poo.

✖ Music. The Weakerthans are a really good winter band. They're a really good band in general, especially lyrically imo. Anyway, does anyone else have any good cold weather music? The Arcade Fire is my quintessential fall band, but I'm looking for more music for grey days and snow and shuffling around in big coats and scarves and such.

✖ Herf derf. I think perhaps I will shower and then make some tea. Need to clean Pooka's bowl tonight. Still need to take pictures of him for you guys, oy vey.

This entry brought to you by arbitrary uses of the bold tag.

college, internet, katsucon, friends, music, mai laifu, art, mom

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