I'm a tuuuuunaaaa

Nov 11, 2008 04:46

Wheeoooo I've been Twittering instead of livejournaling, haven't I? Oops.

I was alone in the apartment for the weekend! It was.. not that spectacular. I got to play my bad music loudly and pee with the bathroom door open and sleep in and that was about the extent of the excitement.

On Friday I got a betta fish! Nellie had gotten one on Thursday and I wanted one too. Hers is named Nebuchadnezzar (I call him Nebu for short) and mine is named Pooka. They're both blue, but Nebu is blue with green and Pooka is blue with red. Nebu is nice and chill and Pooka is the angriest little fish ever. I love him. Pictures soon, perhaps.

I have way too many things to care for in the apartment now! Hamster (Teaspoon), betta fish (Pooka), Venus fly trap (unnamed), bamboo (Sven) and a peace lily (unnamed.) I like having living things to care for, though. I'm gonna have a bajillion fuzzy things when I grow up. I want a marimo again. ;_;

On Saturdayyy I met up in Amherst with kittyling and her friend clavicles who is the awesomest. We had derishiosh dinner at Crazy Noodle and then headed back to the apartment. I texted Melissa asking if we could have some of her gin and she offered us both that and a bottle of wine. ; w; I LOVE HERRR. Sooo we drank gin and Cokes and I failed at opening the bottle of wine and we made a list of things my fish hates while watching Amelie and it was really wonderful.

On Sunday, I cleaned like all day.

Aaaaand that's been my life for the past few days!

Tonight I tried to bleach out my hair on my own but after the first quarter of my head came out partially dyed and too light I was just like "FFFFFFUCK IT" since I'm going to get my hair cut on Wednesday. Gonna call tomorrow and see if I can get it bleached then too. I can dye my own hair just fine, but I think I'll leave bleaching to professionals for now.

Speaking of tomorrow! We have school off, which is beautiful. So it's basically Sunday Part 2. I'm going to clean Teaspoon's tank, Pooka's bowl, meet up with kids in my theater group to discuss the script Max and I are writing on Wednesday aaand hopefully some sales post stuff.

Aaaand then Wednesday is classes again, grocery shopping for the weekend, writing a script with Max and haircut.

And then Thursday, sugar_and_synth gets here aeioagheiahioeauaooaeieaoieuuopirpa. ♥

Friday night we are having a partah in the apartment which I am also excited for.

Saturday is the Northampton division of the nationwide Prop 8 protests which I made the facebook event for. I'm kind of proud, I've never made a facebook event for anything before.. especially not something that like, hundreds of people are invited to. So I'm probably going to try and do some flyering around campus tomorrow. I am pretty thrilled that Ame's going to be here for it, plus kittyling, versiondefected and zacku. :3

Sundayyy is laying around being lazy and lovey, I think. Aaand Monday is returning to the real world. D:

...Aaand that's my life for the next week!

Hmmm.. what else is important. Teaspoon's health is still pretty touch-and-go. She hasn't been doing at all well the past few days but then tonight her eye which had been weird was better and she was quite a bit more active, though her balance is still super wobbly and she rolls over sometimes. ;__; She's kind of got like, hamster Parkinsons. But she's been really sweet lately and.. fffff I adore the little peemonster. I keep preparing myself for her to go at any time but when she shows improvement like she did today it gives me hope.

Ick, how did it get this late?? Time for sleep. WantThursdayrightnow.

ame, relationships, pooka, politics, friends, teaspoon, love, pets, mai laifu, protests

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