I watched my first but the last debate tonight! I hadn't watched any others for various reasons, like the fact that I'm already pretty comfortable with both candidate's stances on most issues (or at least, most issues important to me) as well as the fact that I knew I'd rage. AND OH, DID I RAGE
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i support obama.
however, i do agree that teaching certificates are bullshit.
i was highly pissed in college to be 16 years old, and more knowledgable about the technological subjects that i was studying, then the damn teachers and even the head of the department.
with quickly emerging fields like technology, science, physics, etc.... we dont need people that spent 8 years in school, teaching us the krap they learned in that time. its already old and out dated. we need people who are in the industries themselves teaching us this knowledge.
not all of the teachers at my college were behind me in terms of knowledge tho. several were ahead, but hated the system. they were not able to teach modern technology due to department regulations on things like books, and age of materials.
the whole education system is fucked. i started saying it somewhere back in about 2nd or 3rd grade. if i'm able to see it as such a young age, why the hell cant anyone else?
and the debates said it well. we're behind ever other developed nation in education, yet we spend the most. obviously shoving even more cash at it solves absolutely nothing.
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