In seriousness, though.. I want to thank you guys with the utmost sincerity for absolutely everything in response to my last post.. even the negative input. I received way more support than I was expecting (more than I deserve, maybe) and lost far fewer additional friends than I was expecting (not to say there weren't a couple of incidents) and I just.. thank you, guys. You don't know how much it means to me to know that I've still got you all there for me even when I fuck up this bad. And especially to close mutual friends of the other party-- I think your forgiveness (or whatever) means most of all. I'm glad I haven't lost you guys as friends, and there's nothing I want more for you to go help her heal now. She needs you guys, and I'm really glad she has you. Thank you for understanding.
I have some pretty goddamn amazing friends. Friends, acquaintances, lovers and past lovers.. I have incredibly supportive and wonderful people in my life and I couldn't ask for anything more. This whole mess reminded me of that. So. Silver lining, I guess? Anyway, I promise you guys that I'm only going to continue to grow and learn more from this. Absolutely no doubt about it. I want to make you guys proud, you know?
On the bright side, this whole ordeal has been the last final push I need on finally getting
my tattoo. It's got more meaning than ever. I think I may do it this weekend.