a handful of things of importance I forgot to mention last night.

Jun 03, 2008 13:07

Academics. Got my grades in! Still not great by most peoples' standards (including my own) but a huge, drastic improvement from both semesters last year which were both completely abysmal. A-, B-, C+ and a C. My GPA still falls below the necessary mark so I'm going to have to appeal so I can.. y'know.. come back to school in the fall, but I'm not worried. I just need a little well-composed statement that's basically like "LOOK HOW MUCH BETTER I AM DOING. I WILL ONLY CONTINUE TO GET MORE AWESOME" and I think I'll be just fine. It feels good to be getting less.. shitty at college. I'm not a dumb person, I just rarely apply myself like.. at all. Which makes me a bad student. But if I keep on the path I'm on now, maybe by next semester I'll actually be doing work that's reflective of my abilities ALL the time! Ahh yeah whatever, I'm still pleased.

AnimeNext. So, yeah. I'm staying in California as long as humanly possible, basically. My flight home is the Thursday before AnimeNext. Which means that ANext is basically going to be JetlaggedAndHorriblyDepressedCon. But anyway, what this means is that people staying at my house for ANext will not be able to stay before Friday. Sorry if this is an inconvenience, but I'm sure you guys can work this out. As far as cosplay, I imagine I'll just do Girafarig and Double K Simon (maybe, because I really look like someone's Aunt Gertrude in it.) If I didn't have people staying with me for this con.. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't toyed with the idea of skipping it all together and staying in California for like. Ever. Bawww.

Also, dreams. Really bizarre dreams last night. Some of which involved meeting AnCafe which was, obv, wonderful.. others involved that girl Deanna we went to elementary school with and her horrible army of zombie Wizard of Oz robots that we had to battle in some hotel. Fuck if I know. Oh, my brain.

And now I am being laaaazyyyy as I'm pretty sure I am the only living soul in the Dude Ranch. o 3o Will go play with Diana later, once I can muster the energy.

But yeah sorry I'm like.. not responding to comments. Here, have more things to comment on that I probably won't reply to! Haha I love you guys. ♥

kittyling, me, _sey, Nick, sadisticmana, amenislytherin and juumou.


Silly hats!

Nick looks really, really distressed about touching Ame.

Lauren's ramenhead and Mou's face are my favorite parts.


Aaand that's all until we scan the others!

university, photos, academics, animenext, dreams, friends

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