send me on my way-hey~

Apr 01, 2008 04:12

Chinese Major versus Japanese Minor. ROUND 1: FIGHT!

kasaiface: backu.
testsofthemuse: ...ew.
kasaiface: ..are you making fun of my engrish?
testsofthemuse: yes.
testsofthemuse: it sickens me.
kasaiface.: eat a dick, chingchong.
testsofthemuse: heh.
testsofthemuse: said the one representing a culture of futanari lovers.
kasaiface: uh, PROUDLY.

I have drawn so many cats today. Like, SO MANY CATS. Like, FIFTY CATS. FIFTY CAT POST. I'm serious about this Project Virtute thing. And apparently, it is Virtute, not Virtue. I thought it was a typo on my iTunes at first. It isn't. Apparently Virtute is Latin. Anywho. Practicing drawing cats is ANNOYING UGH CAT ANATOMY. CATNATOMY.

Speaking of cats, I wore one of the hoodies I brought from home today and realized soon after I left my dorm that FUCK, IT SMELLS VAGUELY LIKE CAT PEE from being at home and apparently in a location where a cat has, at some point, peed. So I went around today being very concerned I smelled like cat pee. It didn't smell that strongly at all, but still. UGHHH.

Life is moving way too fast. How the fuck is it April already? This semester is flying by, jesus. Home this weekend, larpshits the following two, open weekend (possibly adventures with zacku?), home the next weekend for lecheporfavor and blindkijin's birthday, then just two weekends until FINALS and FANIME and California and sklfljslkfjslf.

Speaking of April, I really don't know how I feel about everywhere on the internet turning into 4chan. Youtube and livejournal are rickrolling, deviantart is mudkipping, and I'm.. well, this:
kasaiface, to deafeuphoria: give me a minute to react to this
>>ok, I think I'm ready to react now
>>there you go
>>that's what my face did
>>everywhere is 4chan
>>youtube is 4chan
>>deviantart is 4chan
>>real life is 4chan
>>that's okay I guess

100 points and my first born to whoever gets the "even my ____ is a _____" reference.

Tonight on /u/ we shared GOOD END and BAD END stories and it was kind of adorable. Oh, /u/. I also made friends with some 16 year old who added me on myspace. Is it weird that I keep making friends off of what is supposed to be an anonymous image board? Ehhh whatever.

Why am I still up. 6__9 I'm getting to that point of busyness and stress where I just want to ignore all of it and do completely unproductive things all day. UGH NO NEED TO STOP THAT, START DOING THINGS, KAMINAPUNCHINTHEFAAAAAAACE ok sleeping now.

internet, chat logs, 4chan, mai laifu, friends

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