Life life life is strange, but I'm doing alright. Got a lot on my mind, but I'll keep on keeping on.
Despite our sleepiness, Nick came to bring me home but ended up hanging around for a while. Later, we acquired Lisa and Cole and intended to see Evan Almighty but ended up just dicking around the mall for a while which only made me upset with humanity because the mall is where you go for finding upsetting stereotypes. Whatever, it was nice to have company.
Nick has requested that I make it known that though he deleted
ero_nick, he has made a new lj over at
waifusneverdie and he'd like those of you that know him to add him over there!
So I'm back at home now. I had one day at home between Europe and California, then another between California and AnimeNext.. so now I've got a little while to relax. By "relax" I mean I'm not comfortable here as I've gotten so used to traveling. My room is a mess and uncomfortable memories still linger thick there, even from back in January. I want a change, like new sheets with bright colors and a new comforter that's really soft. Once I finish up the last leg of my July journeys (Otakon immediately followed by Vermont with dad's side of the family) I'll be able to start selling all the crap I want to (possibly including a doll.. or two.. .-.) which will mean more room in my room. Progress. Safe change. Change that I can control, I guess.
Kami's eyes are looking bad again.. she had an infection in one before we left for Holland and was treated while she was staying at the vet's, now it seems to be in both. So so so worried about my kitty. ;o;
4chan has been an adventure tonight. Not in a bad way, for once! Haruko seems to be well-received (though I'm figuring it's mostly friends posting in that thread ;P) minus one comment about my forehead (of course, haha) which was pretty lulz and also gone now.
In other news,
dr_teng brought up
cognitive dissonance at one point on Saturday night and I'd say that pretty much covers it for me right about now. I'd love for this inner conflict to resolve itself already, I'm so tired of it.