Well, that was frustrating. I didn't go to health services when I was sick/wahwah because it wasn't anything worth sitting through the misery of UHS for, but Ono-sensei won't accept my homework or discard the quizzes I missed unless I have a doctor's note. So today I walked across campus (which, in case you're not aware, is NOT LITTLE) to go to UHS to see if I could have them see me and give me proof that I was there. The lady was basically like "we can't do anything for you because you didn't come in while you were sick," which is definitely bullshit because I definitely got a doctor's note after the fact at one point last semester. So, entirely discouraged, I walked back across campus to the library completing a large and miserably cold circle. And now I'm nauseaus as all hell.
Basically WAAAAAH.
Additionally, really big condolences and hugs to Dia/
diadiadia whose dog Scooter had to be put down yesterday as well as Val/
ainotorikomi whose dog Maggie is being put down today. Maggie's situation is especially frustrating because having met her, I know that she's an entirely sweet and wonderful and young dog who's only being put down because of a few health problems. It's just really sad.
Speaking of dogs, I've been missing Cody hardcore recently. Especially because of some shit last night.
A recap.
There was really big drama on Den of Demons last night that began with this one batshit lady Gayle (who hates DoD but likes showing up for dramu and having all of us internet-kick her ass anyway) trying to start shit. The doll-related stuff quickly dissipated and turned into Gayle going "I HATE CATS DOGS ARE BETTER." Which turned into everyone on DoD posting pictures of their cats to piss her off.
Then it started getting pretty what-the-fuck. Gayle posted a picture of her dog, a Golden Retriever. We were like "ok great." She then posts about how he's this magical bloodline of amazing and perfect and he's AKC certified and has all these titles that were so hard to earn blahblah bullshit. I replied with how she's a dipshit for caring more about papers and titles than the actual animal and how many incredible dogs there are dying in shelters, etc.
She returns, missing the fucking point entirely. Trisha posted about how she has a purebred chocolate lab who has a shitton of health problems because of selective breeding (which happens in a lot of purebred anythings) and Gayle responds with this:
"You clearly didn't buy her from a sound breeder. Nimrod, Should have done your research, or talked to some ethical breeders, and taken time before buying. You BAD, if you bought uneducated.
You also fall into the category of dog lover who likes to generalise, but doesn't know shit, and prefers to be opinionated about things they have ZERO knowledge of.
I bred 12 champions and numerous Obedience title holders Over a period of 15 years. I once had to put a whole litter down as it matured, because they did not have "tractable" temperaments.
Don't you DARE say a word about my ethics as a dog breeder/owner.
I was into dogs probably before you took your first breath. Don't you dare judge me, but IF, you ever want to buy a dog, I certainly can help you get a good one, and a sound and healthy one.
Oh and BTW, Those titles on my Sunny, I EARNED em. Through time, training and going to trials.
I DID the work, I PUT in the time.
I know a hell of alot MORE about dog training, than you do, because of that."
Ooooh boy. If there was any doubt in my mind that she wasn't a true dog lover and was only in it for the pride and honor of breeding some good animals and making money and winning ribbons, it vanished with this post. She sounds like she's talking about fucking dolls, like she can only own the special limiteds that are worth the most because that makes her special. And to be blunt: Wow, this bitch is a fucking puppy killer. A litter didn't live up to her breed standards, so she euthanized all of them. An entire fucking litter of golden retriever puppies. And we're supposed to admire her for her hard work and knowledge?
Obviously she was met with a great deal of anger from a lot of people (obv myself included) none of whom gave a shit about her dog's fucking ~*~*TITLES*~*~ or how well it's trained. We were all pretty much in disbelief about her breeding ethics. That's called
culling, isn't it?
Anyway, my angry response:
"Way to miss the entire fucking point, you dipshit. I was neutral on you before but I can pretty much all-out hate you for being a dog breeder. I can't believe you have the fucking nerve to call yourself a dog lover. You should be ashamed to wear the blinders that you do.. just keep telling yourself you're doing wonderful things for your wonderful dogs and turn a blind eye to the incredible animals dying in shelters because idiots like you care more about bringing more animals into this world for fun and profit than taking care of the ones who need to be loved that are already here.
*pant pant*
Yeah, if there's one thing you can do to piss me off, it's being a dipshit about animals.
EDIT WOW I JUST READ IT A SECOND TIME I cannot believe you fucking put down animals because they weren't QUALITY enough for you. That's fucking infuriating. Idiots like you deserve to be euthanized."
After giving us yet ANOTHER "i h8 u guys good riddance lol" post, she of course comes back pretty soon with "obviously u guys don't no nething about BREEDING ETHICS OR HONOR lol."
Then Trisha and I simultaneously made posts screaming in huge text, which was pretty awesome. I soon proposed a movement to have Gayle euthanized because she doesn't have a tractable temperament for our species, which was met with many "AYE"s.
Despite about 18 posts of "H8 U GUYS REALLY LEAVING THIS TIME" she returned again with a response to my post:
"I have never sent ANY animal to a shelter, you wanker.
IN addition, I run a Golden retriever rescue, and house homeless dogs and place them in permanent homes.
You people are serious, judgemental idiots. Truly, this topic proves it.
Many of you are reacting emaotinally, and blowing judgements out ypu asses, yet you know, and do nothing.
Good things I stay away from here, You people aren't anywhere near realistic, feeling, caring or otherwise human.
I'll catch up with ya'll when ya wank the wedding, (NOTE: SHE IS HAVING A DOLL WEDDING. THIS IS WHAT WE WERE ORIGINALLY MAKING FUN OF HER FOR.) really, until then, I think you guys are seriously not rational."
I lol'd verily, and by that I mean I smashed angrily and produced one of those key line-by-line responses:
I have never sent ANY animal to a shelter, you wanker.
NOPE, you just kill 'em instead!
IN addition, I run a Golden retriever rescue, and house homeless dogs and place them in permanent homes.
You run a rescue and that's not proof enough that there are too many animals without homes in this world? You still think you have the right to play God and decide when animals are born and when they die? Jesus christ.
You people are serious, judgemental idiots. Truly, this topic proves it. Many of you are reacting emaotinally, and blowing judgements out ypu asses, yet you know, and do nothing.
Animals, especially dogs, are a very emotional topic to me. I don't see how my conclusion that "you're a fucking moron" makes me judgemental. As someone who loved a dog for twelve years, I know everything there is to know about caring for an animal. And that's all I need to make my points in this argument.
Good things I stay away from here,
You people aren't anywhere near realistic, feeling, caring or otherwise human.
I'll catch up with ya'll when ya wank the wedding, really, until then, I think you guys are seriously not rational.
I hope someone shits on your doll's wedding dress."
..Well, it felt good to get out. Then someone was like "Didn't Gayle claim to have a thousand jobs and be awesome at everything once?" and Zen answered with "yeah basically."
Of course Gayle can't leave that alone, so she has to come back and ~*~*PROVE HERSELF*~*~ and tell us that yes, she IS awesome at everything in the world ever. This shit is pretty epic:
"Zen dear, when you go out and actually get a job for yourself, that doesn't require Mommy's signature to get it in the first place AND, when you have been on the planet for more that two decades, you might be surprised at how many "job's" you have.
For the record (cause I am tired of all your BS innuendo)
I am 53 years old
I have a BA degree from UC Santa Cruz in Studio Art, with a Minor in Art History
With that (useless) degree, I became a graphic artist (pre-computer)
I worked for the Riverside Press Enterprise for 7 years AS a Paste-up artist.
I then worked for several print shops as a "paste-up" artist (seriously, that was a REAL title and a REAL job pre-computer)
I was active in showing dogs and created a magazine for them ( using my archaic paste-up skills). Magazine survived and was sucessful for 9 years.
During the time I was working the magazine, I happened to be married to a professional dog trainer, I learned alot,
After our divorce, I FINALLY ( let this be a lesson to any art history majors) got to use my degree and sold fine art for 10 years. Loved it.
When the market wasn't so good there, I went to work for a graphic Design college as an admissions rep. I had the skills, knowldeg and background.. I was good at it.
Since then I am "retired" and I create and sew for dolls. I occasionally still train an obedience competition dog.
That's the whole fucking history, and the truth of it. But some 20 year olds, who have zero life expereince, would make it out to be that I have worked every possible job on the planet. Not so.
All of my job progressions have all been in some way related to my original education. Albeit, there have been turns in the road.
I resent the hell out of the inference that I have done other than to have a fairly clear carrer path, given the economic options I had to contend with.
Perhaps when some people are older, and see how they have to make "work" choices, they will be less 'judgemental'."
Just like.. this post BLEW MY INTERNET MIND. This idiot is old enough to be my mother and she's wasting her time arguing on the internet with people who are, for the most part, two or three decades younger than her but obviously a great deal more intelligent! Not that that's hard, in her case. I replied with:
..but soon after went back and corrected her on her misspelling of "a lot" and arbitrary comma use, and reminded her she was being criticized by someone 3.5 decades younger than her.
However, apparently when I told Garfield to go to bed, he actually listened. And he did! Because she didn't post again after that, and the 35 page thread then deteriorated into more pictures of everyone's pets and people who missed it coming in and going "wtf Gayle's a puppy killer?"
Anyway. I don't think I've ever let myself get so upset about anything on an ~*~*INTERNET FORUM*~*~, but animals, especially dogs and cats, are really something that I'm passionate about. Ignorance like this infuriates me. I don't think I've ever resorted to so much cursing and name-calling to get my point across, but I wanted this bitch to know how angry she made me. I also don't usually refer to people like that, even if they are idiots. >_>;
But yeah. The whole thing just got me really emotional.. it's nights like those that I would give anything to be able to go give Cody a hug.. because nothing comforts me like he did. I miss him so much.
He was in my dream last night. I think he was still dying, but I got to spend some time with him. It felt nice, but I definitely woke up sad. Sigh.
Things like that affirm that I need to work with animals someday. I want to help them somehow. I want to save them from fucking idiots like her. I don't know how or when, but someday I'll do it.
So, how's everybody else doing? 8D
Edit If anybody ever asks me why I don't want to go entirely friends-only, it's for reasons like
this. I've made a lot of friends through people randomly finding my lj, and I wouldn't want to lose that.
Well, that was a nice little e-peen stroke before math class. ;~; Durf durf durf I'm a little retarded but I still like it when people like my posts. ._.