Jun 03, 2010 06:01
- 10:29 @ happy_riceball I texted you! XD;; I don't have my computer currently, using Ame's for a second! We're getting into the city at 12:30! :O #
- 10:38 Sayaka just barely #21 in senbatsu elections.. @_@ Retardedly worried. #AKBtweets #nobodyknowswhatimtalkingabout #
- 10:48 @ happy_riceball oh, weird! I also just called and it was off ^^; will you be able to call us when you get there...? #
- 11:08 @ happy_riceball Sounds good! See you then! #
- 15:47 Well, we definitely bought the AKB in NYC photobook... in NYC. And we definitely just replicated some of the photos in Times Square. NERDS. #
- 18:29 I almost just left the bathroom at Olive Garden with the entirety of the back of my skirt stuck in my underwear. #
- 20:40 twitpic.com/1tenuz #
- 21:30 Coconut macaroon Nutella almond cookie at a dessert bar in St Marks. Happiest baby. #
- 22:15 I hate subway goodbyes. ;_; We just all made a spectacle of ourselves trying to exchange several hugs before the doors closed. #
- 23:06 Today was.. a pretty much perfect day. We miss our ladies @bluucircles, @doorknocker_dog and @happy_riceball so bad already. Otakon now plz. #
- 00:30 @ ohkatsu ahhh crap, I wish I'd gotten this sooner! :( THIS IS WHY I NEED A SMARTPHONE. Next time! #
- 00:36 Sayaka's gravure (...basically little clothing >_>) photobook was leaked. Ame and I are never living again. Sorry guys, nice knowing you. #
- 00:37 Also @lovbus is going to be in NYC for JapanDay this weekend... the day after we go back up to MA. ;;_____;; #idolsidolsidols #
From your old friend,