Sneaking on LJ while Karisu's out of the office for a mo'...

Nov 03, 2005 16:08

(Too much damned WORK around here!!)

Ah, the irony.... :/
Karisu and both her daughters all received emails from Volks to apply to attend the Volk's reception party on Nov. 19th.

They of course did not apply for the reception invitation lottery (and it's now past time to do so anyway), BECAUSE:

1) Volks posted a cut-off age of 15 - however one daughter is 11, and the other will be only a few days short of 15 on that date.
2) In any case, Karisu herself also cannot feasably run off down to LA the weekend of the 19th and 20th, although the family WILL be only 9 miles away from the store the FOLLOWING weekend (at the LAX Marriott, for LosCon.)

Which I suppose saves them from being tempted by the beautful but expensive LA Limiteds and One-Offs, but will quite likely leave them with a store stripped of even accessory inventory when they finally arrive. :(

But hopefully the store WILL be open Thanksgiving weekend. I would at least like to go in and look around, even if they are out of stock on most things. :(
I, Zhong Wu, Sora and Sian Arashi are hoping to go to the store on Friday if it's open (Lune-Sensei will politely stay at the hotel for that.) Don't know if Seishin & Sofia are planning on travelling to LA yet, though they take up considerably less travel space. :p
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