LOG: Getting Drowned

May 09, 2011 15:07

Date: Day 14, Month 9, Turn 25
Location: Hot Springs, High Reaches Area
Synopsis: K'del and S'ren wash their dragons.

Hot Springs, High Reaches Area
Even further north than the Weyr itself, a short flight between crags and over crevasses that even a wing-scarred veteran of Fall might undertake, a cluster of clearings lies low in the shelter of hardy trees and ancient stone. The outer two clearings might have been lost to more stubbly trees Turns ago, if it weren't for the centre-most: a natural pool of warm, softly bubbling water several dragonlengths across, with enough space for perhaps a half-dozen people and their lifemates. Though the air is cold all Turn round, and snowdrifts frequently whiten the ground, the geothermal activity heats the mineral-scented water to such a consistently comfortable heat that it becomes a refuge for those who don't wish to travel further afield to wash their dragons.
Of the clearings that abut the spring, the nearest is only a few steps away, though it's small enough that only a few dragons can lounge at once. A steep trail descends to its substantially larger neighbor, a gravel-strewn crescent with enough space to spread out and enjoy the crisp air and the mountain range's admittedly spectacular views.

Sho and Cerveath had laid claim to a portion of the Hot Springs, though in all fairness the slight dragon and his thin lifemate don't require much space to begin with. Just makes it easier for them to find a spot when the hot springs are full...which right now it's empty of all except for the blue and his rider. S'ren is swimming around Cerveath, giving him a good scrubbing to wash him clean while the blue just floats there, quite happy. "Yeah, it's not exactly the same as the oceans in Southern, but at leas' it's warm."

Far above, Cadejoth's pale, bone-bronze form appears from out of Between, circling down towards the clearing at any easy glide. They land, the bronze's forelimbs sinking into slushy cold mud, and K'del takes a few moments to remove the bronze's straps and set them carefully out of the way. As he does that, his lifemate launches back up, dropping - a dragon-sized cannonball - into the relatively undisturbed waters of the spring. "Oh, shells," mutters K'del, trotting along on foot, apologetic at the waves his lifemate has encouraged.

A croon of greeting is the first acknowledgement the new arrivals receive, and it causes Sho to shift and look to the sky. "Oh well, here comes trouble." He says to his lifemate with a chuckle. He's not to far off when the large waves come towards them and the rider quickly hides behind his blue...who still gets shifted a bit by the waves. S'ren climbs on Cerve's back once it's settled and starts scrubbing again. "Nice ta see you too, Cadejoth." he yells towards the bronze before offering a wave to K'del. "'ello sir. How are you today?"

Cadejoth doesn't seem terribly apologetic; he trumpets his greeting to Cerveath, a little late but in obvious good spirits. Wading out into the water, scrubbing brush in hand, K'del raises his other hand to wave at S'ren. "Not too bad," he reports, paddling towards his lifemate. "Maybe not quite so good as /Cadejoth's/, apparently. Sorry about that. How're you and Cerveath doing?" He tips his head at the blue, acknowledging him with a slow nod.

The blue croons out a greeting back to K'del, then turns his head to S'ren as his rider scrubs his neck ridges. "That's alright, it's not the first time a dragons tried ta drown me. Usually they have a reason fer it though." He says with a chuckle, smacking Cerve on the snout with the brush before the dragon rolls and throws his rider off. S'ren comes back to the surface and spits up a bit of water. "See?" He says with a bit of a cough. "Uh...we're all good. Just enjoying some warmth...finally."

K'del's lips twitch with merry amusement, and he remarks, "Guess we'll have to come up with a better reason, next time. Take notes from Cerveath, even." He slaps lightly at Cadejoth's side, and the bronze rumbles, eyes whirling rapidly with even more obvious amusement. Then, climbing his way up the bronze's leg, he adds, raising his voice to be heard over the slap of water against dragon, "Glad to hear it. I admit-- it's kind of nice to be here, rather than up in the sky. Sweeps, today. Hours of 'em." It's kind of dreary and cold; the water is distinctly nicer, though getting out is going to be pretty chilly.

"Ouch." Sho says, mock wincing as he swims around the side of the blue. "Ya'd thing being Weyrleader you'd get away from havin' ta do sweeps. Don't they give ya 'nough ta do?" He asks, then pauses and looks back over his shoulder at the Weyrleader, "Or maybe someone just needs ta cause more trouble so you have something to do...?" He smirks widely at that and Cerve's head shoots up. Trouble? Someone said trouble?

Cadejoth may be being washed, but he's not content to sit still for it: he wades deeper, nearly dislodging his rider, who rolls his eyes, but clings on nonetheless. "Nah," he says. "I gotta know the area as well as anyone else. Besides - makes people feel important, when the Weyrleader stops in to see how things are going." There's a brief pause, and then he's narrowing his gaze in on the blue, noting, "That is /not/ an invitation for trouble, young man. Else I'll decide you've too much time on your hands, and get Mielline to assign you something more to do."

"Whoooo, meeee?" Sho asks very sweetly, batting his eyes at K'del. "What makes ya think I'd do something like that? There's other people in the weyr ya know." Cerve also manages to look very innocent, ducking his head just a bit and allowing his eyes to whirl slowly and innocently. "Well that's good that ya keep on a good show fer everyone. And still manage ta somehow keep everyone in line." The innocent smile remains.

"I know you far too well for that to work," says K'del, evenly, though not without the hint of a smile. He pauses in his scrubbing to give both of the blue pair a meaningful glance. "When I said things had been quiet, since you'd been gone? Didn't mean that that was a bad thing, and you ought to change it." Despite all of that, he's cheerful enough as he adds, "It all works out. Keeps me busy, too, and I like that. Cadejoth'd go mental, if we were stuck in the weyr all the time." The bronze rumbles in agreemenet, batting his tail against the water in a way that is sure to raise another wave or two.

"Actually, ta me that means that you were all getting bored and ya needed me back to keep ya awake." Sho says, still playing the innocent part as he scrubs Cerve's back roughly. He drops the act finally though and just grins at K'del. "Dun worry, I've gotten much better now, you'll never know it was me..." He blinks and pauses, coughs a little, and says, "I mean, I'll be good. Ayup. I've been a good boy." Cerve croons his agreement as Sho hits an itchy spot and scrubs. Once the little waves hit them the blue rider narrows his eyes at the bronze. "Cerve's bad enough, I dun need yer help gettin' drowned." Jokingly, of course.

The snort K'del begins to express in response to /those/ words breaks off as that wave does its damage. "/Cadejoth/," he says, sharply; the bronze rumbles an apology to blue and rider, not to mention his own rider. "Shells. He's still got too much energy. You'd think sweeps would do it in for him, but... no. Apparently not." He gives Cadejoth a tap on the head with his scrubbing brush, and finally, the bronze settles down lower. Settled. Fine, if he must. "Anyway. Reckon you'll both be fine. Not... you know, ragging on you or anything."

Sho grins as the bronze gets chastised. Reminds him of...well, anyways. "I agree sir, I'm sure /we'll/ be fine." Yes, he's still teasing. At this point the rider has finished the cleaning and he slides off the blue, letting him roll and rinse a bit before the two of them climb out of the springs. Sho is already shivering and wrinkles his nose, "Blasted cold weather..." He says, throwing on his tunic and pants. "C'mon Cerve, let's get back to the weyr and get warm." He climbs aboard the still wet blue and offers a wave to the weyrleader. "Be well sir. I'm going to warm up." And with that Cerve jumps to the sky and pushes towards the weyr.

|k'del, cerveath, cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, !weyrleader, s'ren

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