LOG: I Dunno What Yer Talkin' 'Bout Sir.

May 05, 2011 14:51

Date: Day 2, Month 9, Turn 25
Location: Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Synopsis: K'del welcomes S'ren back to the 'Reaches.

Garden Patio Ledge, High Reaches Weyr
Partly sheltered by the curving stone overhang, partly exposed to the weather, the wide stone patio serves as a balcony for socializing or just plain drinking on a sizable scale. The repurposed ledge might once have let two large dragons land, but now there's too much furniture for that: two rustic tables with attendant chairs, plus a couple more in particularly good weather, and a wrought iron bench situated to make the most of the view of the western bowl and the lake beyond.
Other changes include rough little niches carved out of the stone walls to hold glows in colored bottles at night, the climbing plant that's being trained to grow up along the overhang, and the blue ceramic pots of flowers that dot the edge of the ledge as a colorful reminder not to fall off.
An archway leads to the Snowasis itself, housed in the ledge's former weyr, while a few wide steps descend along the wall to the bowl.
A lovely, cloudless sky offers warm sunshine during the day, though the weather turns distinctly chilly after dark.

Cadejoth jangled a merry greeting to Cerveath, earlier, marking his return to the weyr with an obvious sense of satisfaction. Now, as the afternoon shadows grow longer, the bronze extends another tendril of thought, remarking, << My rider is having a drink, if yours wanted to join him and say hello. >> Sure enough, that's where K'del is: lounging in the last of the sun, with a drink in one hand, while the other scrapes through his hair. He's watching a group of children playing chase out in the bowl; it seems to amuse him.

S'ren had enough time since his return to drop his things back off in his weyr and take a nice long bath. He was unpacking his clothing and such when Cerve passed on the word from Cadejoth and Sho agreed. << Mine will be there shortly. >> And true to the word Sho arrives at the Ledge looking as tan as the first time he arrived in High Reaches. He took the time to tie his hair back so as not to have it all frizzy while seeing the Weyrleader but other then that is wearing some very basic stuff. He never really was one to dress to impress. The young rider pauses as he steps into the familiar surroundings and a small smile touches his lips as he looks around, taking in the familiar sites and seeming for just a moment to forget why he's there.

Cadejoth is pleased with that, and subsides; back to-- whatever it is he's doing, otherwise. K'del's gaze lifts, and as he catches sight of the bluerider, he grins, waving him over with an idle hand. "S'ren. You're back. C'mon; I'll buy you a drink, if you like." He's dressed down, too, only a light jacket over his untucked shirt, though at least he /is/ wearing shoes for once.

The familiar gesture from the weyrleader catches Sho's attention and he grins slightly, offering a wave in return and making his way to sit across from K'del. "I would gladly take you up on that sir. I could go for a good hot cider to warm me back up from this cold weather." Considering it's actually a decent temperature for the area...well, it's Sho. And besides the tan and the fact that he's finally grown into his legs, he looks pretty much the same. Just more mature. "I have to admit I didn't expect ta see you quite so soon. I figured you'd have lots'a other stuff ta do then notice one lowly rider was back." His grin widens at that as he relaxes into the chair.

There are benefits to being the Weyrleader, and one of them is that K'del can wave over one of the bar girls and order that cider - when most people have to go up to the bar to do it. But before that; "Cadejoth saw you arrive, mentioned it to me. Figured... well. Was going to spend some time out here, anyway. Looks like Southern treated you well. Hope you're not too disappointed to come back to our awful weather?" He's teasing, of course, and looks quite smug for it.

The bluerider rolls his eyes at the jab, snorting a bit. "Oh gee, I hope I can survive. I did it before 'm pretty sure. Maybe I should be more worried 'bout the people then the weather." He says, jabbing right back at the Weyrleader with a smirk, glancing at the bar girl to offer her a smile as she takes the order before focusing back on K'del. "All in all it was nice ta be back in Southern fer a bit. Got ta not worry about bein' cold, just relax in the sun." Pause. "Oh yeah, an' I guess the training was pretty good too."

"The people? We're harmless," insists K'del; he's grinning, amused. After taking a long swig from his own drink, the Weyrleader turns his attention back on the bluerider. "Good. Glad to hear it. It's good, we can offer this kind of opportunity to people. I'm sure Mielline'll be pleased to see what you learned, whether there's anything new she can add to her drills, or whatever. You don't mind? Snowdrift, I mean. Not that we need to talk wings and whatever yet, I guess."

S'ren waves a hand at the Weyrleader as his drink arrives. "No no, not at all. As long as you dun mind the fact that yer all freaks for enjoying the cold weather." He offers non-chalantly before taking a sip of his cider. "Ahh. Warmth. Didn' think I'd miss it so soon. I really dun think people were meant ta live up in the cold. Or maybe that's why their just all so strange." A muse of a thought as he seems to consider his words before shrugging and taking another drink. It seems his wit and ass-ness didn't dissapear in the heat. Good or bad?

For now, it just seems to amuse K'del. So: good. But that's only for now. The Weyrleader flashes a bright smile at the server who brings the drink, but mostly, his attention remains upon the bluerider. "You came home at the wrong time," he tells him, laughing. "We had a beautiful summer. But here it goes, getting cold again." Setting his glass down upon the table, he leans back in his chair, stretching out his shoulder as he moves. "Guess Mielline'll be in contact about getting back into wing stuff in another day or so - give you time to settle in. So. Been up to anything interesting, while you've been gone?"

Sho chuckles and shrugs a bit. "Just about figures, right? Always here when it's gettin' cold. I think it might just be someones idea'a torture." He remarks, looking around the ledge and over towards the Snowasis. "I have to admit though. I did miss being here. Despite the weather when it comes down ta it this is just more...home...then Southern is." He admits with a soft sigh before shaking his head. "I must be goin' crazy." A drink from his cider before he returns to his normal cheer. "Well, besides a surprising amount of drills and taking our free time ta try'n see as much as we can...there's not really much ta tell. Drills were a bit differen', but that'll be for later." He pauses as he takes another drink then tilts his head and narrows his eyes slightly. "Have ya ever seen some of the areas 'round Southern? It's like yer own personal paradise." Another beat. "But no...tha's about it. Have I missed anything here?" He asks curiously, raising an eyebrow in question.

K'del smirks, albeit lazily, at S'ren's remarks, but he seems genuinely pleased to hear that the 'Reaches are home. "I'm glad you feel that way," he puts in, inclining his head forward. "Cold or no cold. Especially give the cold, maybe." His head bobs along to the bluerider's description of things, and he glances off into the distance, expression faraway, at mention of Southern. "Mm - yes. It's beautiful. I try and get down a couple of times during the winter, even if it's just for a day away. Beautiful area. Here?" He shrugs. "Lujayn returned - guess she was before your time. One of our goldriders, spent some time at Igen. Otherwise... it's quiet. In the good way, if you know what I mean."

"You mean in a 'There's not a bunch of weyrlings running around' kind of way?" Sho asks, chuckling softly as he leans back in his chair. "Yes, well that's good. At least that means yer sane enough fer me to be back. Not that I plan on doing anything." One can almost hear a 'yet' at the end of that as the bluerider takes another sip of his cider. If all goes well maybe K'del didn't receive any reports about some of the...'fun'...that he and Cerve had at Southern.

Laughing; "Exactly like that. And nothing else going on, either. Just the way I like it." beat. "Though-- Iovniath's got to be due to rise soon, so maybe that won't last for long. Or Rielsath? One of them is bound to go up, I guess." Which has K'del furrowing his brow in thought, though it doesn't linger. Instead, he takes the time to fasten a knowing glance at S'ren. "Guess you haven't grown up /that/ much, yet, huh?"

"Oh, another set of candidates then, hmm? That'll be...scary." Sho muses softly before blinking, amber eyes taking on a very innocent look. He hasn't lost that either. "I have no idea what ya mean sir. I can assure you I'm much better'n I was." He says, batting his eyes innocently as he sips from his mug again. Oh yes. S'ren is very innocent.

"If they're anything like you were? Yes." K'del's twisting his lips in amusement, though. "No idea when that'll happen, though. Eventually." He raises his eyebrows at S'ren's supposed innocence, then rolls his eyes. "No idea at all. Mmhmm. Got my eye on you, I'll have you know. Just in case. See that you both behave yourselves." Reluctantly, he's drawing himself out of his chair and back to his feet. "I gotta go, I'm sorry; duty calls. But - hey. Welcome back, right?"

S'ren sniffs as if hurt. "I dunno what yer talkin' 'bout sir. I will do you proud, dun worry." He says with a lot of false promise. As the Weyrleader stands the bluerider offers a seated salute. "Thank you sir. I'm glad ta be back. I'll be sure ta get with Mielline tomorrow." He promises.

cerveath, cadejoth, !avalanche, @hrw, $iovniath, !weyrleader, s'ren, |k'del, $lujayn

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